Preliminary General Fund Budget and Tax Levy for 2025 to be voted on at Monday City Council Meeting

The Crookston City Council will meet on Monday, September 30, at 5:30 in City Hall Council Chambers. The agenda includes three items.

Crookston Housing Trust Fund

The final reading of Ordinance No. 95 Creating The City of Crookston Housing Trust Fund.  The Housing Trust Fund shall provide loans and grants to property owners, homeowners, local units of government for-profit housing developers and non-profit housing developers for affordable housing development in Crookston.

Crookston City Code Amendments

The final reading of  Ordinance No. 96 Amending Sections 30.02.B and 30.02.C of Crookston City Code.  These two sections are being repealed and replaced in order to make the writing of Agendas for Regular and Special meetings easier.

2025 Tax Levy and Preliminary 2025 General Fund Budget

The Council will vote tonight on the adoption of the proposed 2025 Tax Levy and Preliminary 2025 General Fund Budget and setting a Public Budget Meeting Date. 

At the conclusion of Monday’s City Council Meeting, Ways and Means will meet. Ways and Means has just one item on their agenda for the evening. The Mayor is recommending that Todd Johnston be appointed to the Planning Commission to fill Bryan Schipper’s unexpired term.

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