For the second year in a row The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) of the Red River Valley has been awarded a contract with the Metro Area Agency on Aging’s Juniper initiative (MetroAAA), to promote their evidence based Stay Active and Independent for Life (SAIL) exercise classes.

Partnering with the Metro Area Agency on Aging (MetroAAA) in St. Paul, RSVP has broadened the statewide impact on evidence-based health promotion programs.  The Juniper program aims to reduce costly medical interventions by encouraging self-management of health conditions, overall well-being and preventing falls.

From Bone Builder’s in 2007, to the SAIL transition in 2016, RSVP has been a leader in implementing and providing effective senior exercise programs throughout the rural region of NW Minnesota. Recognizing the benefit of evidence based prevention programs, BlueCross BlueShield (BC/BS) of Minnesota has partnered with Juniper this year, providing a higher reimbursement rate for participants who are BC/BS members.

Regular participation in SAIL generates increased social interaction and satisfaction, independent living is enhanced, and the prevalence of falling is decreased. RSVP of the Red River Valley sponsors 32 SAIL sites throughout the region, with over ninety volunteers who faithfully lead exercise classes twice a week.

For information on RSVP and/or SAIL, visit or call Program Director Tammy Frohlich at 218-281-8289.