A Shoe Drive is currently being held in Crookston to raise funds for the Crookston Care & Share.  The shoes collected will be purchased by Funds2Orgs and shipped to countries, including Kenya, Tanzania, Morocco, Ghana, and Haiti.

Faye Overgaard said the hope is to raise $1,000 for the Care and Share. “The shoes are for the Care and Share, and it’s actually a fundraising event that’s going on,” said Overgaard.  “Care and Share will get paid $.40 a pound for the shoes that are collected.  Our goal is to collect 2,500 pairs by December 31 to make $1,000 for Care and Share.  The money is paid directly to them.”

Although most shoes will be shipped to other countries and sold by small business owners at a low price, Overgaard said winter boots and shoes would first go to the Care and Share. “As we go through and sort through the shoes, we bag them up,” said Overgaard.  “We put 25 pairs in each bag that has been provided by Funds2Orgs, the organization purchasing the shoes.  When we find winter boots and winter shoes, we set them aside to go directly to the Care and Share so they can be used there first.”

Overgaard said drop-off locations are located at several locations around town. “We will be collecting through December 31,” said Overgaard.  “There are posters around town.  The different donation sites are Hugo’s, Crookston Times Office, Hardware Hank, Care and Share, RiverView Health Care Admissions Office, Villa St. Vincent, and The Summit.”

Those unable to drop off shoes they’d like to donate can call to have them picked up, according to Overgaard. “If people have shoes that they want to donate and they’re not able to get them to one of these sites, they can call,” said Overgaard.  “The is 218-289-1400, and we will pick up the shoes at your house.”