The General Election is underway in Crookston at the First Presbyterian Church and St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, and the election judges reported that there has been a steady flow of voters coming into the polls since they opened at 7:00 a.m. “We’ve been busy since 7:00 this morning, and it’s been steady, and I think it’ll be steady for most of the day,” Ward 3, 4, and 5 Election Judge Jan Kelly explained. The polls in St. Paul’s have also seen a fair share of votes, with Ward 2 currently seeing the most voters come down but believe more voters will come down when jobs let out this afternoon. “It has been steady all morning, and we hope to keep going,” Ward 1, 2, and 6 Election Judge Beth Benoit explained. “But when work lets out, we usually get a lot more.”

Both election judges have reported that the current count of the votes for each ward,

  • Ward 1 currently has 102 individuals that have come in to vote
  • Ward 2 currently has 153 individuals that have come in to vote
  • Ward 3 currently has 111 individuals that have come in to vote
  • Ward 4 currently has 102 individuals that have come in to vote
  • Ward 5 currently has 135 individuals that have come in to vote
  • Ward 6 currently has 105 individuals that have come in to vote


Voting will continue today until 8:00 p.m. at the St. Paul’s Lutheran Church for Wards 1, 2, and 6 and the First Presbyterian Church for Wards 3, 4, and 5. A map of what ward you belong to can be seen below to know where you should go to vote for your ward.

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