Crookston School District Interim Superintendent Dave Keuhn wrote a letter to all of the families apart of the Crookston School District discussing certain topics after the first week of school. His letter can be seen below-

Dear Crookston School District Families:

Our school year is off to a great start.  It has been a busy and fun week with students and staff in our buildings.  We thank you for choosing the Crookston Public School District as your choice of school for your children.  Our staff will continue to work hard to serve the needs of all of our students, in the classroom, in the lunchroom, on the bus, in our hallways, and in our offices.  A continued focus/goal of our district is to build those positive relationships between our staff and our students.  Your children deserve a safe, caring, and welcoming school environment and our goal is to provide that type of positive learning environment for all students.

Please use the following link listed to access the District’s Safe Learning Plan – Link To Plan.  Please understand that this document is a continuous work in progress, based on what is happening in our schools, community, and state in regards to health conditions.  The focus and priority of this plan is on In-Person Learning and hopefully some “new normalcy” for everyone.  A couple of key points within the plan that you should be aware of include the following:  

  •  If your child tests positive for COVID-19, they will need to isolate for 5 days from the start of symptoms.  If your child is fever free for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medication and symptoms are improving, your child can return to school (Day 6) and wear a mask through Day 10.

  • No quarantining will be in place, except in high-risk congregate settings.  

A “friendly reminder” to please do a symptom check of your child(ren) before sending them to school.  Our continued thanks and appreciation for your support, your flexibility, and your trust in our school district. 


Dave Kuehn, Interim Superintendent

Selected Superintendent Dave Kuehn
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