Toys for Tots Donations – Week 4

The Crookston Firefighters and Auxiliary, along with the City of Crookston Employees, are conducting the 43rd annual Toys for Tots drive.  Toys are delivered to kids in Crookston who otherwise may not get anything for Christmas. To make a donation, stop by City Hall or mail your donation to Crookston Water Department at 124 North Broadway, Crookston, MN 56716.  The total donations after four weeks are $ 4227

Week 4 donations are below-

Week 4 DonationsAmount
Elizabeth Rose50
Travis Haugen2
Lou Ann Anderson200
Thomas & Leanne Hardy100
Gordon & Maxine Pagnac50
The Door Guy200
Henry & Colleen Elbinger100
Rodd & Francine Olson50
Laurie Coauette100
William & Gloria Watro50
Week 4 Total1002

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