Wanda Wilkens was a charter member of the Crookston Eagles Auxiliary when it began in 1951 and, for the past 34 years, has served as the secretary for the auxiliary. She’s also spent the last 20 years as the secretary to the Eagles manager in the office.

Wilkens said being the auxiliary secretary has been a lot of work, but now is the time to hand it over because she is too old to learn the computer side of the position. “The Secretary for the Eagles Auxiliary was a lot of work to start with, but now it was good to hand over,” said Wilkens. “I’m not, what would you say, I’m too old to learn this computer stuff, and it’s best for somebody young to take over on that job. I’ve enjoyed it. I’ve learned a lot. It’s gotten to be a lot of work.”

The Eagles building has gone through many changes over the years, most recently the remodeling of the banquet room this year.  Wilkens said she’s been working on a photo book to show the changes over the years. “I’ve taken a lot of old pictures and trying to make a book to show what it was years ago,” said Wilkens. “The big bar we have down the center here was over by the wall—a lot of changes. I worked for Gary Lufkin and Jake Fee. Gary was a good guy to work for in the office, but he was always painting something, always cleaning. Jake doesn’t worry about that, but he does more in the books, getting that straightened out. I guess I’ve spoiled them all because I’ve been here so long.”

Wilkens said she’ll miss working banquets and other meetings that are held at the Eagles Club. “I’m going to miss the banquets that we’ve had and all the things we’ve had for the farmers when they come in to order their seeds,” said Wilkens. “They have meetings up here, and some of these old farmers say – oh, you’re still working. Yeah, I’m still working. It’s going to be a big switch, really, but I guess I need to do it.”

Wilkens said she has a lot of memories from the Eagles, including the time she lit wedding decorations on fire. “Had some great weddings,” said Wilkens. “I remember one wedding we had, the woman had too many big decorations on the table. I went to light it, and I started it on fire. That was interesting. We’ve had older people in the kitchen that have helped us learn how to cook potato dumplings. In the last two years, I haven’t really worked in the kitchen. I sit in my chair and watch. If they have any questions, I can answer them.”

Wilkens added she enjoyed working at the Eagles and hopes people continue to go to the club. “It’s a great place to work for, and I’ve enjoyed it,” said Wilkens. “I just hope that everybody continues to stay with the auxiliary and continues to come to the Eagle because it’s a good place to go.”

The Eagles will have a drive-by retirement celebration for Wilkens at the downtown square on East 3rd Street on Tuesday, September 8, from 4-6 p.m. Honk your horn, wave, and wish Wanda the best in her retirement.