We are in the second week of extra precautions as we battle the COVID-19 pandemic in Crookston, across the nation, and the world.  
The thing that never ceases to amaze us is the determination and the cohesiveness of Crookston businesses and residents.  You might be wondering….What makes Crookston so special in times of need? 

-It is because Crookston is full of hard-working regular people in an Agriculture community that does what it takes to get the job done. 
-Most people in Crookston are doing their part to make sure Crookston is safe and healthy during the pandemic and business owners and employees have gone the extra mile to make sure people’s needs are met. 
-We have people volunteering to help others, we have teachers, staff, and administrators working hard and collaborating with their cohorts to make sure the Distance Learning for the students is the best it can be.  
-We have extremely fortunate with healthcare in town. Riverview Health and Altru Clinic with their doctors, nurses, and staff taking care of those that might have COVID-19 and prepared for the worst. 
-We have Polk County Public Health helping anybody that has questions and informing the public to make sure we have the RIGHT information and the latest information.
– The citizens of Crookston, for the most part, have been doing their part by staying home and if they are sick they are staying away from people. 

To steal from Terri Heggie and the Crookston Chamber of Commerce.  We are all in this together.  We will get through it and when we do Crookston will be ready to flourish and grow.  Until then, remember to support your local businesses.  

Crookstonites, keep up the great work and remember you are all the reason why Crookston is a great place to live!!!   Stay safe, stay healthy, and when we beat the pandemic, get ready to make Crookston even better!

P.S. – We are hoping everything is back to normal so we can have one heck of a party during Ox Cart Days in August!

Chris Fee
KROX Radio