410 Ingersoll Ave to be considered for a Conditional Use Permit for a daycare facility at Mondays City Council Meeting

The Crookston City Council will meet on Monday, February 3, at 5:30 at City Hall in the Council Chambers.

There will be one presentation for the evening. Rani A. Bhattacharyya, Community Economics Extension Educator for the University of Minnesota Crookston, will present on The Crookston Retail Trade Analysis and Local Options Sales Tax.

The consent agenda for Monday’s Council meeting includes approval of minutes from both the City Council meeting on January 21 and the Roles and Responsibilities workshop on January 27, 2025. Also on the consent agenda are resolutions to approve City of Crookston Bills and Disbursements for $302,513.99, approve the Confidence Learning Center application for Lawful Gambling Premise at the Crookston Eagles, the approval of the City Council Committee Composition for 2025 (updated) and apply for a MN Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Federal Recreational Trail Grant Program to match the Active Transportation Infrastructure Grant. Funds from this grant would cover some of the expenses of the Fairfax Trail Extension Project.  The application is due February 28, 2025.

There are two items on the regular agenda. The first is a resolution regarding a conditional use permit with respect to parcel 82.03775.01, real property address 410 Ingersoll Avenue, to allow a daycare/licensed childcare facility.  Emily Ricard runs a licensed daycare out of her home and wants to lease the property at 410 Ingersoll to run her daycare as she finds it difficult with space restraints to run efficiently out of her home.  Ricard has a lease agreement with property owner Jake Leas.  The property at 410 Ingersoll is located within a Heavy Industrial Zone. The item came before the Planning Commission of the City of Crookston on January 22, 2025, for review.  The Crookston Planning Commission recommends the Crookston City Council grant a conditional use permit to allow use as a daycare/licensed childcare facility. Ricard said at the Planning Commission meeting that this space would also allow her to take up to two more children into her daycare possibly.

The second item on the regular agenda is the closed session to discuss the City Administrator’s Performance.  The meeting will be re-opened for Council Reports and Adjournment.

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