The Crookston Pirate Dance team competed in the Section 4A Dance Championships in Hawley this weekend and finished seventh place in Jazz and 9th place in kick. The top three teams advance to the MSHSL State Dance Competition.
JAZZ Results –
1. Crosby-Ironton
2. Hawley
3. Aitkin
4. Frazee
5. Bagley
6. Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton
7. Crookston
8. Wadena-Deer Creek
9. Pelican Rapids
KICK Results –
1. Crosby-Ironton
2. Aitkin
3. Hawley
4. Bagley
5. Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton
6. Frazee
7. Pelican Rapids
8. Wadena-Deer Creek
9. Crookston
The team is pictured below.