The Crookston Housing & Economic Development Authority (CHEDA) met on Tuesday for a Special Meeting at noon at Valley Technology Park.

After the Call to Order, the meeting began with a discussion of adding a second regular CHEDA Meeting before the City Council’s second meeting of the month to discuss and approve checks and Financials that will be sent out to members and organizations. “The second meeting is required because we can’t get all of the Financials done in the first meeting of the month, so we have to have a second meeting to prove the second half of the Financials,” CHEDA President Dlyane Klatt explained. “The Board members will now be able to approve all of the Financials and the Disbursements of the Checks before they get sent out. That way, if anyone has any questions on those or wants to pull out anything, they can have the opportunity at that point.” The Board approved the motion unanimously.

The Board then began a Resolution to approve the Vendor Payments and Payroll for June 13 to be paid on June 15. The Board approved the motion unanimously. CHEDA President Dylane Klatt reported that he would try to have the payables ready to be reviewed in time for the second CHEDA meeting before the City Council meeting on June 27.

The Board then began a Discussion for their B3 Funds. President Klatt reported that they had $13,884.31 and used $9,668.29 for expenses, leaving them with a balance of $4,216. The Board then began a resolution for a B3 application for Adams Heating & Cooling. Klatt reported that Adams Heating & Cooling had met the requirements for the Grant request of $3,000 which was taken out of their remaining B3 Funds for a final balance of $1,216. The Board approved the application unanimously. President Klatt then explained that after the use of all of the B3 funds for other loans or payments, they will be unable to make any more B3 Loans to any organization in the City until they replenish the funds. The Board then began discussions on tightening up the guidelines of what the Board will give out loans for. “As far as tightening up the guidelines, there’s been some discussions of maybe not using it for minor repairs like replacement of carpeting,” Administrative Assistant Theresa Tahran explained. “Basically focusing on job creation, which is economic development and also making their storefronts more enhancing,” she added.

The Board then discussed two CHEDA RBDG Loan requests to Adams Heating & Cooling and Jeff Evers. CHEDA Attorney Charles “Corky” Reynolds reported that both applications didn’t have all of the documents required for the loans, so he requested Administrative Assistant Theresa Tahran to try and find more information about what the Applications were for and then he would make the recommendation. Reynolds reported he had met with Jeff Evers for his CHEDA RBDG Loan Request and said that they would get him the financial documents he needed in order to complete the Application and loan requests. “The applicants have been in front of CHEDA in the past. Perhaps this was not their experience of what the criteria were in the past,” CHETA Attorney Charles “Corky” Reynolds explained, “So we’ve asked them to meet the criteria, bring us the documents that are required, and meet the checklists so that they can be appropriately considered.”

The next CHEDA meeting will take place on Monday, June 27, at 6:45 p.m. for a Special Meeting in City Hall.