The Crookston City Council will meet Monday, February 24 at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers at city hall. Dale Stainbrook will take the oath of office as Mayor to open the meeting.  The consent agenda will include approving the February 10 meeting minutes, approving bills and disbursements in the amount of $480,935.20, accepting a donation from Carla Pederson and Rudolph Luczak of $500, and a resolution to declare surplus property and authorize city staff to dispose of ten firearms.

There will be three public hearings for 2020 street improvement projects and a resolution ordering the improvement and preparation of plans and specifications for those projects. The three projects are Radisson Rd from the cul-de-sac to University Frontage Rd; 5th Ave S from S Main St to Sunflower St; and Sahlstrom Dr from Fisher Ave to North Acres Drive.

There are also two public hearings for Nature View Estates, one to vacate the existing gravel stretch of Eickhof Blvd, and the second, for the Development Agreement between the City of Crookston and Nature View Development LLC.  There are three subsequent resolutions.  The first is two approve the preliminary and final Nature View Estates Plat 5.  The second is to approve the street vacation of Eickhof Blvd.   And the third is to approve the Development Agreement.

The final item on the agenda is a resolution to appoint Joe Kresl to the vacant Ward 5 seat.