Crookston City Council to meet Monday, October 28 at 5:30 PM

The Crookston City Council will meet at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, October 28, at the City Council Chambers at Crookston City Hall.

The meeting will start with presentations from Presentation from Jon Roscoe, CPA from Miller McDonald, regarding the City of Crookston 2023 Audit. There will also be presentations from the following Non-Profit Organizations who are requesting a total of $228,000 in grant funding of the City of Crookston’s preliminary budget of $125,000. The non-profits Get Kids Outdoors- Adam Parnow Memorial Inc. requesting $5,000, Scruffy Tails Humane Society requesting $15,000, Tri-Valley Opportunity Council Inc. requesting $16,000, the Downtown Crookston Development Partnership requesting $20,000, Crookston Aquatic Boosters (Oxcart Days) requesting $20,000, Prairie Skyline Foundation requesting $25,000, Care and Share Organization requesting $30,000, and Golden Link Senior Center requesting $97,000.

The consent agenda includes the approval of council meeting minutes from October 14, a resolution approving bills and disbursements of $285,207.19, and the calling for a public hearing regarding proposed 2024 assessments.c

The Main Agenda includes a resolution regarding a conditional use permit for the property on College Avenue owned by Darrel & Dianne Lacoursiere to allow RV and vehicle storage, a resolution regarding the approval the cash farm lease with Ryan Richman for the Lagoon property for 2024-2027, a discussion regarding the non-profit organization requests. The meeting will wrap up with a closed session to discuss LELS Labor negotiations and a summary of the closed session.

After the City Council meeting, they will hold a budget discussion and direction.

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