Crookston City Council to meet Tuesday, November 12

The Crookston City Council will meet on Tuesday, November 12 at 5:30 p.m. in the Crookston City Council chambers at Crookston City Hall. They are meeting on Tuesday, because Monday, November 11 is Veterans Day.

These items are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or citizen so requests. In that event, the item will be removed from the consent Agenda and placed elsewhere on the agenda.
The first item on the consent agenda is to approve the meeting minutes from October 28, 2024. The council will be asked to approve bills and disbursements for $214,565.17. They will be asked to call for a public hearing regarding increasing the water and wastewater rates for 2025, to canvass the tabulation of votes cast for four (4) council positions, and to declare the results from the November 5, 2024, election.

The consent agenda also includes a resolution to approve the contract with Law Enforcement Labor Services (LELS) local No. 31 for 2025-2027, the acceptance of the external auditors’ report, the audit of the City of Crookston Financial Statements, and a single audit for the year ending December 31, 2023.

Four public hearings are scheduled, including one on the 2024 reconstruction of Houston Avenue—Hunter Street to South Ash Street. The second is on the bituminous mill and overlay on North Broadway-Sixth Avenue NW to Fisher Avenue. The third is on the bituminous mill and overlay on 3rd Avenue SW—Bruce Street to Old Trunk Highway 75. The fourth and final public hearing will be on the proposed assessments for unpaid water and sewer charges and for current services.

The regular agenda items include the approval for the 2025 non-profit organization requests, but they will be taking out the Get Kids Outdoors request due to legal counsel’s recommendation. The council will also be asked to approve the Small Cities Development Program Rehabilitation Loan for Local Income for KEP Realty, LLC.
The council will be asked to give a Letter of Support to the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) Active Transportation Planning Assistance and approve the Local Government Special Appropriation application for the Crookston Colborn Property Development.
The meeting will be closed to discuss Crookston Fire Fighter Labor Negotiations – (Motion to Close Meeting Pursuant to MN Government Data Practices Act, Specifically, MN Statute 13D.03, Subd. 1 (b).
The meeting will be reopened and a summary of the closed session will be given.

After the Crookston City Council meeting, they will hold another budget discussion and guidance.

The full agenda packet is below.

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