By Chris Fee (KROX Radio owner, Crookston High School graduate)

The Crookston School District Multi-use athletic complex referendum vote is on Tuesday, February 14. You can vote from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Crookston. You still have time today to vote absentee at the Crookston School District office. We want as many people from the community to vote and let your voice be heard. It was a difference of nine votes in the first election, so every vote did count.

KROX Radio is a community-minded business, like many locally owned businesses in Crookston. We donate significant money, air time, prizes, and physical time (volunteer hours) back to the community and school districts we serve. We want what is best for each local community and school, as we know the importance of schools (public and private) in the area and their impact on their respective communities.   I (Chris Fee) have served on UMC athletic improvement facilities meetings as required every five years by the Northern Sun Conference. I have been at meetings with the city of Crookston, Crookston School District, and the University of Minnesota Crookston that looked at a “regional” events center type of thing. Nothing has happened in over 10 years of discussions besides meetings.

We have had people ask why KROX is all in on voting Yes for the new multi-use complex. So here are our reasons why.

  1. Crookston has seen a decrease in residents over the past 20 years. The last “big” thing to happen in Crookston was the addition of New Flyer, thanks to Representative Bernie Lieder. We also had the addition of the Crookston Sports Center, which has brought thousands and thousands of people each year to Crookston. Again the arena was essentially to Representative Bernie Lieder helping Crookston secure the state funding for “flood protection.”  A city council actively made it almost impossible for Epitome Energy to come to town. We have received comments from business leaders across the state, “What is wrong with your city council?”  We are getting to a time when Crookston either has to start progressing and looking at ways to grow or continue a slow decline in families, residents, students, businesses, etc.   
  2. We think adding the multi-use facility to the Crookston School District grounds will be a great addition to the school district. When families move to town, the schools and facilities are the first things most look at. We have a great gym (not enough of them, but the ones we have are great), we have a great arena, fantastic tennis courts at the school and around town, we have one of the best baseball fields in Jim Karn Field, which the City of Crookston owns. The softball complex is solid but could use several improvements. Crookston has solid facilities and is well known for having excellent athletic facilities. But one thing that is missing is a great track and football field. The facility will bring people to town to help businesses (mainly restaurants and gas stations, once in a while, the hotels). Out-of-town money is great for communities.  
  3. We think the Pirates of all ages, the community, and visitors to town deserve a fantastic facility. KROX would be able to carry all the home varsity boys and girls soccer games held on the field because we would have internet access. We would love to cover more soccer games and let friends and family worldwide watch another Pirate sport on our video streaming channels.  We would also be able to stream home varsity track meets. 
  4. Softball games could be played on the turf in the spring, bringing many teams to town to rent and use the field in wet or snowy springs. We could also video stream those games.
  5. We understand it costs extra money in a tough time. You know your financials better than anybody; if you can’t afford the bump in taxes, we don’t blame you for voting no.
  6. If you don’t think the school needs it, we ask why? Why don’t we want to give the kids of the district an excellent facility of their own to play sports, have gym class, practice marching band, have classes on, play their park and rec events on, for the community to be able to walk and play on? If we want kids to stay in town or return to town, we must show them we value them, and that Crookston cares about the future.
  7. While we are in favor of the new complex, we have reported 100 percent factual information, as our first job is to report the news. We are biased in wanting what is best for our community, but we don’t compromise our job of being the only local news in town and reporting the news. Residents have asked great questions at every meeting. We are happy to report questions from the community and feel the questions have helped both voters and the district understand the issues better.
  8. Crookston School District has one of the lowest debt loads compared to similar-sized school districts in northwest Minnesota. They are financially stable and have done a great job being stewards of the taxpayer’s money.
  9. We have been told that people are handing out packets of information about the school district at several businesses in town. We haven’t seen the packet but have been told much of the packet information is false or misleading.   If you want factual information, we have factual information below.
  10. The school district has been as transparent as possible in this campaign leading up to the 14th. They have had many meetings all over the district and have had meetings at night and in the mornings. They have added information as solid questions have come up in the meetings. They have added new or updated information when suggested by the public. The school district has been forth-coming and open this entire process. It has been commendable what they have done in this process.
  11. We know the referendum will affect farmers and businesses more than residents with a house. KROX has three properties in the district.  Two are commercial, and one is considered agricultural. While we don’t have a lot of land, it will affect us. We have also pledged a financial donation to the project if it passes. Of course, we would like it to go towards the pressbox to ensure it is built right since we will use it a lot with home football, soccer, and track meets.
  12. Crookston would host the Section 8A track and field meet, bringing hundreds of athletes, fans, and parents to town. We could also video stream the meet, and the home varsity track meets.
  13. Why would UMC want to put money into a football or track facility? They shouldn’t put money into it because they don’t have football or track. UMC has to do what is best for them, and nobody can blame them for doing that! At the same time, the Crookston School District has to do what is best for them.  
  14. We received this email from Jo and John Bittner – All people have to do is remember the TERRIBLE weather we had at the end of several regular seasons’ football games, and playoffs, which literally wiped out the grass at UMC in the 2000’s. We had to move a couple of playoff games from our UMC field over to Memorial at UND (which is now not an option). Maybe the worst was the game against Roseau, where the rain and WIND came in sheets…the poor Roseau players didn’t even watch the game on the sidelines because the wind and rain were bitter, and the Roseau team was getting pounded by the rain and wind in their faces! Those efforts to make the field playable again for the NEXT seasons were expensive and time-consuming, and the field really was never the same on natural grass over the years. Pass this vote and make the new field “right”, from the start…do it right, then never look back, and our kids, schools (ours and others) teams, fans, spectators, and parents will have a classy and wonderful addition to our community and area. Go Pirates! 
  15. East Grand Forks Senior High Principal Brian Loer made this comment – I was on the region 8A committee a few years back, and we voted to have 4 section 8A track meets on that (Crookston’s) track. Once we saw the condition of the track, we voted to rotate that meet to various schools just for the safety of the athletes. In my opinion, having a facility like the one proposed is a wise investment in the community. We have a great Track and FB field in EGF, and it has been nothing but good for us!! Crookston residents, vote YES on this referendum!! You will be glad you did!
  16. Why is turf a better option than grass?   Did you watch the Super Bowl?  They spent almost $1 million on the grass, and it was the first time it was used this season. It was a disaster.  

That is just some of why KROX is behind this project. When you have people from East Grand Forks saying you should do it because the turf field and new track have been great for them, that tells you something important. EGF’s was taxpayer-supported too!
There are legit questions on what happens if the bids come back much higher than what is being asked from the voters. It depends on the difference, but that is a fair and valid question, and that bridge would have to cross if it happens. Although, after talking to lumber yard owners, prices are coming down. Not as fast as they hoped, but they were still going in the right direction on many building supplies!

If you don’t like KROX taking a stance on what we think is best for the community, that is fine. If that is the case, you don’t know us very well or disagree with us. We are always going to be behind what we think is best for the community and the growth of the community. 

We strongly encourage you to get out and vote on Tuesday, February 14, from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. Yes or No, let your voice be heard, and we still love you even if you vote no, but we would love you better if you voted yes!!!

What the field would look like


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