Construction on the Crookston School District multi-use athletic complex is continuing, with major progress made over the last couple of weeks of dry weather. Gehrtz Construction, RBB Electric, Indigo Signs, and others have made huge strides as the complex takes shape.

KROX caught up with Gehrtz Construction Manager Carson Sonstegard this week, and he said the project has benefited from the recent dry and warm weather. “I think it is going well. We finally got some dry weather under our belt and made some serious headway,” said Sonstegard. “We are still fighting a little bit of weather and a little bit of a delay, but we’re catching up day by day.”

Some project “milestones” have been reached in the last week. “The biggest thing right now is we got the track all paved (with asphalt), so we have a little bit of wait time before we can get the site surfacing for it. The rubber is on there,” said Sonstegard. “The concession and bathroom building is getting rocking and rolling as well, so things are coming out of the ground, and progress is being made.”

The more significant “milestones” expected next week will be noticeable when completed. “We will get the site leveled off and final graded. We will get some black dirt down in the next couple weeks and will start seeding it and it will start looking like a usable facility,” said Sonstegard. “Turf, we will start installing on Monday, and it is about one week to a week and a half on the installation, but after that, you will see green. The field goals will be up this week, prior to the turf installation. The grandstand will start on Monday, and that will pop up as well.”

The project is still on schedule despite the wet spring, early summer, and recent rain. “We have been fighting back over the past few weeks of dry weather. We had a few solid weeks of wet weather, and so now that we have dry weather, we are tackling it day by day,” said Sonstegard. “It has gone very smooth. Things have fallen into place, and it is going as well as we were hoping.”

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