The Crookston High School graduation commencement ceremony will be held on Friday at 7:00 p.m. in the Crookston High School Gym. 

The seniors will be busy on Friday with the senior and staff breakfast at 7:30 a.m.  “The year is winding down and we have the graduating class of 2019 with what we kind of normally have set up,” explains counselor Ray Lutovsky.  “We have the senior breakfast at 7:30 a.m. and the majority of students will come for that breakfast.  Then a few years ago Mrs. Zimmerman started the senior walk.  So the seniors will be going to Washington and Highland and walking the hallways in their cap and gown.  We’ll come back up here and at 9:00 a.m. do rehearsal and then there will be choir practice for those that are going to be practicing with Mrs. Fjeld for the final time and then the thing will happen at 6:30 p.m.”

Besides receiving their diplomas, the seniors will also hear from classmates and staff during graduation. “Jessica Willits and Gina Visness will be giving the speeches,” said Lutovsky.  “Mr. Moe will address the class on behalf of the faculty Friday night.”

Tuesday is the last day of classes for the seniors, with the senior skip day to Trinity Point scheduled for Wednesday.  Lutovsky says the hallways will have a different feel without the seniors, and that he told the seniors they will feel different the next time they enter the building, coming as alumni rather than as students. “Tuesday will be the last day for seniors,” said Lutovsky. “The halls will have a different flavor to them.  Some of the teachers will be helping out where they had the majority or almost all of the senior class.  I told the seniors in the senior meeting when they come back into this building, maybe its next week for some reason, maybe to finish up an art project or whatever after graduation, they will feel distinctively different when they come into this building.  They know they don’t belong here because now they are alumni, they sense it.  I always say that graduation, it’s bittersweet.  A lot of those tears that are happening are not tears of joy, it’s sadness and things are coming to an end.  A little anxiety about their future, what it holds for a lot of them too.  But it’s another stepping stone and they’re just about there.”