Crookston Wrestler Masyn Arguelles competing in TRF Girls Tournament

The Crookston Pirate Wrestling team has Masyn Arguelles competing in the Thief River Falls Girls Wrestling tournament on Friday at the Ralph Englestad Arena.

Masyn had a great start to the tournament as she pinned Ella Rich of Ottertail Central at 1:55 to win the first round match. Masyn had a takedown to take a 3-0 lead before picking up the pin at the end of the first period.

Masyn took on Maddie Poissant of Thief River Falls in the second round. Poissant scored a takedown 48 seconds into the match for a 3-0 lead. A few seconds later, Masyn escaped and countered with a takedown for a 4-3 lead at the end of the first period. Masyn started the second period down and scored two points on a reversal 21 seconds into the period and won the match by a pin at 3:24 to start the tournament 2-0.

Masyn continued dominating in the third round as she beat Myah Held of Pierz. Masyn started with a takedown 37 seconds into the match. Held escaped five seconds later before she ended the period with a takedown and a 6-1 lead. Masyn started the second period down and scored an escape halfway through the period. A little over 20 seconds later, she added three more points on a takedown for a 10-1 lead. A few seconds later, Masyn won by a pin at 3:44 to go 3-0 with one match left in the round-robin tournament.

In the fourth and final round of the tournament, Masyn took on Amber Kremper of Bemidji. Masyn had a battle for the first minute of the first period before getting a takedown for a 3-0 lead, which she took into the second period. Masyn started the second period down and scored a reverse 15 seconds into the period for a 5-0 lead and won by a pin at 2:49 to win all four of her matches to win the championship.

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