Dave Hughes Visits Crookston Ahead of Election

Republican Dave Hughes, making his second attempt to unseat incumbent Collin Peterson – D, visited with local community members Friday at RBJ’s restaurant in Crookston.  Hughes said it was a good discussion and he always appreciates getting out with the voters, talking about the voters.  Throughout the event, he talked about his platform and the ways he differs from his opponent.
“A couple of recent highlights, the tax reform from last fall, not a single Democrat voted for it including Collin Peterson, I would’ve voted for it,” said Hughes.  “Agriculture in western Minnesota badly needs immigration reform because they need that labor and a couple of good provisions in bills that failed partly because Collin voted against them.”
Hughes also said that the farm bill is a big reason he will be better for District 7.  He said that for seven to eight weeks his opponent walked away, wouldn’t speak to the chairman of the committee, offered no amendments to the bill and ultimately voted against both farm bills over the SNAP benefit piece in the bill.
He also expressed several times throughout the day, that although he does not have an agriculture background, he would work for the agriculture in the district and expressed interest in meeting with locals to learn more about the sugar beet industry.

Dave Hughes at his stop in Crookston on Friday