The Crookston Veteran’s Council hosted its annual Veterans Day Ceremony on Saturday at the Golden Link in Crookston. The event was emceed by Paul Dubuque, Commander of the American Legion Nels T Wold Post 20. 

The event featured the ‘Laying of the Wreaths,’ a tradition that traces its origins to 1918 when wreaths were laid at Monuments across France and the United States to commemorate Armistice Day. Each wreath represents a branch of the military.

The wreaths were presented by the Disabled American Veterans Commanders Dennis Boucher and Jean LaJesse, Commander and Senior Vice President of the VFW and VFW Auxiliary Frank Lindgren and Jamie Cassavant, Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Representatives Pam Delage and Laurie Anderson, and American Legion Commander and Auxiliary Secretary Elaine Metzger and Dubuque. 

The event also featured a Missing Man Table that was displayed in front of the wreaths.

George French provided music on the piano, and a meatball dinner was served after the ceremony.