Minnesota Farm Bureau PAC Endorses Steve Gander

The Minn Farm Bureau Political Action Committee (MFB PAC) congratulates candidate Steve Gander from District 1B on receiving its endorsement for the upcoming 2024 state House of Representative election.

“I am honored to receive the endorsement of the Minnesota Farm Bureau. When we consider the importance of agriculture to our region—family farms, ag-related industries, and all the jobs they create—we see that agriculture is the foundation of our economy. And we have them to thank for our abundant and affordable food supply.”

“Engaging our grassroots membership in connecting with candidates for political office is a key part of the PAC Committee endorsement process,” said Committee Chair Leah Johnson. “As a result of the interview process, the membership has the opportunity to hear firsthand the viewpoints of candidates on key agricultural issues.”

PAC endorsements are based on a candidate’s support of MFBF policy. Candidates participate in interviews with Farm Bureau members from their districts, who in turn make recommendations to the State PAC Committee. Once interviews are completed and recommendations submitted, the State PAC Committee comes together to make the final endorsement decisions.

The PAC Committee is comprised of county Farm Bureau members from across the state. The MFB and MFBF PACs are voluntary and do not receive financial support from MFBF membership dues.

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