The Ways & Means Committee met on Tuesday night and Councilman Don Cavalier asked to form a work team to address developing a Conduct of Conduct and Ethics for elected and appointed officials along with City of Crookston staff.  Several council members expressed interest in being a part of the work team including Cindy Gjerswold, Clayton Briggs, Dale Stainbrook, and Mayor Guy Martin.  Cavalier explains why he sees a Code of Conduct and Ethics as important for the City.  “There has been some discussion previously and some concern about only having a Code of Conduct,” said Cavalier.  “I believe you need a Code of Ethics and a Code of Conduct so you can back up your Code of Conduct with the activities that take place. That way what we call your behavior has integrity and also is effective and fair in the operation of the City with the council and all the people that work for the City.”

Cavalier thinks its important the Code of Conduct and Ethics apply to everyone serving the City. “It would be a Code of Ethics for elected and appointed officials and employees of the City,” said Cavalier.  “We have a Charter, but it doesn’t specifically explain behavior as far as ethics and behavior go.  This would be a more comprehensive explanation of what is expected of all employees of the City.”

Cavalier said he wants to do this because, “Crookston is entitled to have a fair, ethical and accountable local government which has earned the public’s full confidence for integrity.  In keeping with the City of Crookston’s commitment to excellence and the effective function of a democratic government, therefore, requires that all of us act with professional behavior.”

The committee heard from Carrie Michalski, CEO at RiverView Health, who shared her organization’s vision for a new hospital.  Michalski also informed the committee that she would be coming back before them shortly to asking the City for bonding on the $47 million project. 

Springsted, Inc. provided the committee with a quick reminder of the basics of a TIF (Tax Increment Financing) District.  The value captured in a TIF district is used to subsidize eligible project costs while the value of the property prior to the development or in the case of the Fournet Building, the redevelopment, continues to generate property taxes that are distributed to the city, county, school district, and any other taxing jurisdiction.  The City has a public hearing for the Fournet Building TIF District scheduled for March 11.  Councilman Jake Fee asked if the City is allowed to take out administrative costs from a TIF District and was told yes the City can take up to 10% either upfront or on an ongoing basis.  Councilman Clayton Briggs asked if future redevelopment in the area would impact the TIF District and was told the City has the choice to restructure a current TIF District or create a new one in that case.  Springsted, Inc. will hold another meeting with members of the City Council and CHEDA Board Tuesday at 8:00 a.m. at Valley Technology Park. 

Linda Kingery from the University of Minnesota Extension was on hand to thank the City for their part in the Red Lake River Corridor Enhancement Project to thank the City of Crookston for their collaborative work so far in helping progress the project as well as their willingness to be the fiscal host if the funding is approved by the legislature.  She also informed the committee that the postponed “We Are Water” events at the University of Minnesota Crookston had been rescheduled with the Ag Forum to be held on February 25 and Family Night on February 26.  

The committee approved the appointments of Sara Geist to the Library Board along with Betty Arvedson and Leon Kremeier (2nd term) to the CHEDA Board. They concluded the meeting with the setting their Strategy Meeting for Saturday, March 30. 

During Monday’s council meeting the council passed their consent agenda including the approval of the January 28 meeting minutes and six resolutions to, approve City of Crookston bills and disbursements in the amount of $156,850.90 for checks numbers 61007-61080; to approve State of Minnesota Joint Powers Agreements with the City on behalf of Attorney and Police Department; approving partial appointments for commissions and boards; for partial pay estimate #3 to Davidson Construction for 2018 street improvements; to authorize sale of real property; to increase budget to purchase Firefighter Personal Protective Hoods.

Two citizens spoke to the council about concerns with plowing in residential areas filling in driveways and sidewalks.  We are working on following up on that story and will have more tomorrow.