Crookston Junior Golf Tourney Winners

The 35th annual Crookston Lions Club/Minakwa Golf Course Junior Golf tournament was held on Monday and the winners from each age group and contest are listed below-

Boys 15-17
1. Ben Andringa
2. Quin Westlake

Boys 13-14
1. Drake Lord
2. Nathan Kelly
3. Jack Anderson

Boys 11-12
1. Ross Koerner
2. Teagan Lubinski
3. Hunter Nichols

Boys 9-10
1. Ryan Clauson
2. Garret Fischer
3. Evan Shockman

Girls 15-17
1. Sophia Rezac

Girls 13-14
1. Hannah Brouse
2. Grace Fischer
3. McKenzie Aamoth

Girls 11-12
1. Addie Fee
2. Georgia Sanders
3. Kaylee Clauson

Girls 9-10
1. Hailey Nichols
2. Ava Martin
3. Taylor Weiland

Longest Putt – Garrett Fischer
Longest Dive – Ben Andringa
Closest to the Pin – Georgia Sanders

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