The National Audubon Society invites birdwatchers to participate in the longest-running community science survey, the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count (CBC). On Saturday, December 16, birders and nature enthusiasts in Crookston will take part in this tradition, many rising before dawn to participate. This is the 124th annual count hosted by Audubon.

This year is the 52nd year volunteers have counted birds in the Crookston area. Last year, blizzard conditions canceled the 3 scheduled and rescheduled count days. In 2021, ten volunteers enjoyed a beautiful day and counted 34 species of birds, totaling 2826 individuals. They hope this year’s weather will be as delightful as in 2021.

You do not have to be an expert to participate. The only equipment required are binoculars and a bird book. Typically, novice birders are paired with more experienced counters. Participants will count birds in assigned locations within a 15-mile diameter circle that includes the city of Crookston. This event can serve as a great learning experience for beginning birders. Participants can count from a vehicle or on foot, depending on their comfort and the weather conditions that day. Volunteers survey the rural areas in the morning and focus on the city of Crookston in the afternoon. Volunteers can assist for the full day, just the morning, or just the afternoon. Bird feeders are an important part of the count, too. People who live in the count circle also can participate by reporting bird sightings at their home feeders. In addition to bird sightings during the count day, they also record all bird species seen for 3 days before and 3 days after the count day.

All volunteers will receive a map of the count circle, a count form with the birds typically seen, and additional resources. If you are interested in participating or have questions about the count, contact John Loegering, volunteer count compiler, via email at or 218-280-8014.

Volunteers will gather at McDonald’s Restaurant at 7:00 am for breakfast and conversation. Organizers will assign counters to their areas beginning at 7:30 am. All birders of any ability are welcome to join. Counting begins at sunrise, around 8:00 am. Counters gather around noon at Subway in Crookston to exchange notes and organize the afternoon count.

The Audubon Christmas Bird Count is a free community science project organized by the National Audubon Society. Counts are open to birders of all skill levels, and Audubon’s free Bird Guide app makes it even easier to learn more. For more information and to find a count near you, visit

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