The Benedictine Living Community-Crookston held its annual Food and Cash Drive in November. The Benedictine Living Community has coordinated this event since 1999 to raise money and canned food items. This event takes place every year through the entire month of November.

All of the proceeds from the event have been donated to the Care and Share in Crookston. The Benedictine Living Community also matched the funds raised during this year’s event. The Crookston Care and Share received $1,900 and approximately 100 pounds of canned goods and non-perishable items. “Any money that is donated, we match,” said Benedictine Living Community Foundation Director Cassie Rudie, “This year, we had $950 donated, and we matched that. So we were able to give a nice donation to the Crookston Care and Share of food and money to go toward their needs.”

People could donate money by stopping by the Benedictine Living Community-Crookston, where the reception desk accepted money drop-offs at the reception desk at the Villa or the reception desk on the Summit side of the facility during business hours. “We also have grocery carts by each door on each entrance,” said Rudie, “People were able to drop the canned goods off at these locations. Sometimes the cash came from our associates or our residents, so it always nice to see the giving from within.”

When the Cash and Food drive was completed, Cassie Rudie presented the cash proceeds to the Crookston Care and Share Director, Carolina Alfonso. The food shelf staff also assisted Rudie with unloading the canned goods into the Care and Share.