The Crookston Rotary Club has announced that Crookston High School’s Caden Boike is the Crookston Rotary Student of the Month for April.
Caden Bolke
Parents: Lon and Chris Boike
Siblings: Alec is currently doing his medical residency in Oregon, and Sydney is going to be graduating from Medical School this May.
Activities involved in or volunteer projects: Throughout my years at Crookston High School, I have played Soccer, Basketball, Track, and Tennis. I have also taken part in Leo Club activities, such as home-delivered meals and helping out at Highland. I am also a member of the National Honor Society.
Church: I grew up going to school at Cathedral School. After moving up to high school, I took religious education classes, went to church, and helped at events.
Community Service: I have helped a lot in Leo Club and Sports to benefit the community. I have helped at the Cathedral Fish Fry, taught younger kids basketball and soccer, and served food to the elderly.
Sports: I am currently in soccer, basketball, and tennis. I used to be in track and field as well, and when I was a freshman, I competed at the state meet.
Fine Arts: I have loved to draw ever since I was a kid. I have even taken both high school and college drawing classes. I also took photography, which was enjoyable. I am into music and have been in band since fifth grade. I was in the orchestra for one year, in the choir for a couple of years and I am the percussion leader.
Hobbies: Reading, drawing, playing games with friends, playing the piano or the drums.
Plans after graduation: I will be attending NDSU and pursuing Software Engineering. I am going to be rooming with Brannon Tangquist.