The City Council will meet on Monday evening, September 9, at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall. Items on the Agenda for the evening are as follows:
Consent Agenda
Approve Proposed City Council Minutes from August 26, 2024, approve City of Crookston Bills and Disbursements for $518,138.00, a resolution regarding the donations in the amount of $18,100.00 from the Crookston Baseball Association, and the approval of the license renewals for 2024 – Cement Mason.
Regular Agenda
Resolution authorizing the Acquisition of real property and demolition of the structure located at 429 Riverside Avenue and a resolution regarding a conditional use permit with respect to parcel 82.00169.
There will be no Ways and Means meeting on Monday evening, but there will be a Budget Workshop immediately following the City Council Meeting’s adjournment.