The Crookston Care and Share is always looking for donations to help those in need.  This month, the Center is looking for a few extra items for the center and New Hope Food Shelf.

Every three months, Care and Share Center sends out its quarterly newsletter that lists some of the current needs they ask the public to donate to help those who come into the Center. This month, the center is asking for additional items that it believes can be helpful. The items include –
-Twin mattress pads
-Men’s work gloves
-Hair products like hairspray, combs, brushes, and hair gel (no shampoo and conditioner)
-Wash clothes
-Nail clippers
-Size five and six diapers
-Baby wipes.

Care and Share Director Jane Freeman noted that while the center receives many donations around the holidays, she still encourages the community to donate as much as they can, as the influx in donations lasts the center nearly the entire year. “We welcome them, and we get a lot of them, but it’s really important that we do get a lot of them because these donations carry us through the whole year, to be honest. This is the time of year that people about doing this, and they get things to us, and we very much appreciate it,” Care and Share Director Jane Freeman explained. “But in July, I’ll probably be pulling out one of these things that I just asked about because our needs are the same year-round, and this just happens to be a little on what we’re short on right now.”

Along with the current needs, the center has also changed the hours of its New Hope Food Shelf and donation room to open it for a third day during the week starting today (December 9) for those unable to come during Monday and Wednesday due to work schedules or other conflicts. The rooms will still be open during their regular times on Mondays and Wednesdays from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. and will now be open on Fridays from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m.

Like the donation room, the New Hope Food Shelf is also accepting donations for it, specifically non-expired and non-perishable food. But, if you’re someone who needs a little help with preparing Christmas dinner or a meal before the holidays, the food shelf has a way it can help you. “Every Thanksgiving and Christmas, we give away a meat item, and this year, we’ve been lucky enough to give away a turkey for both holidays. So those who come for our food shelf will be able to have a turkey for the holidays,” Jane Freeman explained. “We’ve sent out many of them already, and we have many more to go for this upcoming Christmas.”

If you can donate any items to the Crookston Care and Share Center, they request that you call to let them know when you are coming.  Depending on the size and type of donation you have will depends on what entrance they will ask you to use. “If it’s a smaller donation that you just need to drop off and you’re just stopping by, we’ll just have you come to the front door, and we’ll run out and bring it on in. If it’s a larger donation, we’ll have you go around to the side, to our Donation Room door. We have a ramp there, and that way, we can get some boxes and bags down. That’s often where we have clothing come to,” Jane Freeman explained. “If it’s food, depending again on the circumstances, but most of the time, we like you to come in the back door as that’s where the kitchen is, and then you can come in through there, and there’s a nice flow into our pantry and food area. So, the best bit is to call ahead and let us know.”

The Crookston Care and Share Center’s Donation and New Hope Food Shelf will be open every Monday and Wednesday from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. and every Friday from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. If you’re unable to make it to the Center at any of those times, you can set up an appointment with them to come in by calling 218-281-2644. To see the Center’s complete Needs List, you can find it in the newsletter or on their website at