The Crookston City Council will meet on Monday, January 11 at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Due to COVID-19, seating will be limited. If members of the public would prefer to participate in the Crookston Forum by phone, they may call 281-4515. The doors to City Hall will be unlocked at 6:30 p.m.

The consent agenda includes approving the minutes from the December 21, 28, and January 4 meeting, approving bills and disbursements totaling $393,090.14. Also include are resolutions appointing Corky Reynolds as City Attorney for 2021, designating the Crookston Times as the official newspaper for 2021, appointing Brady Martz & Associates as the certified public accounting firm for 2021, and extending the local emergency due to COVID-19.

The final item on the consent agenda is ordering the preparation of a preliminary engineer’s report for the 2021 street improvements. Those improvements include:

  • Reconstruction of Stephens Drive from Radisson Road to Hoven Lane
  • Reconstruction of Grant Street from N Front Street to Widman Lane
  • Bituminous Mill & Overlay of N Front Street from 6th Street to Sherman Street (Federal Project)
  • Bituminous Mill & Overlay of Riverside Ave from Victoria Street to Summit Ave (Federal Project)
  • Bituminous Mill & Overlay of Elm Street from 4th Street to Summit Ave (Federal Project)
  • Bituminous Mill & Overlay of 4th Ave N from N Broadway to Alexander Street (Federal Project)
  • Bituminous Mill & Overlay of Central Ave from N Ash Street to Albert Street (Federal Project)
  • Bituminous Mill & Overlay of 7th Ave S from S Main Street to Marshall Street

The only item on the regular agenda is a resolution to accept a donation of $4,500 from Walmart to the Crookston Police Department.

The Ways & Means Committee will meet immediately following City Council. The committee will review board and commission appointments, City Council Committee appoints, and have a discussion on having a chair of the Ways & Means Committee for 2021. The committee also will look at potential dates for the strategic planning meeting to be held in February and review proposals about trail lighting and providing a waived water fee for residents to flood an outdoor rink or a pool.

Following the Ways & Means Committee meeting, a special City Council meeting will be convened for a negotiations discussion. The meeting will be closed pursuant to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act Statute 13D.03, subd. 1 (b).

Crookston City Council