On Wednesday, May 8, Crookston High School Industrial Technology students took a field trip where they were able to visit five regional businesses.

The first visit was with Valley Plains Equipment, the John Deere dealer in Crookston. The students were able to hear about the different departments in the dealership. They took a tour of the parts department and the shop bays where the mechanics worked on equipment pieces. They also talked about the potential opportunities that they would have for students looking to work at Valley Plains.

The second stop was at Titan Machinery, the Cash IH/New Holland Dealer. The students took a tour of the facility, including the shop bays, the parts area, and the Polaris Corner. They learned about the opportunities that Titan has for students looking to go into fields that Titan is looking for. They also heard about the Titan EDGE Program.

The third stop was the Agriculture Innovation Campus. This new facility crushes soybeans for oil and creates soybean meal for animals. The students could see the truck bays and equipment running that crushes the soybean and creates the byproduct.

The fourth stop was HAPPY JOE’S for lunch. 

The sixth and final stop was H and N Plumbing. The students got to tour the showroom and storage area, which has thousands of parts. They heard from the owners, Doug Holtman and Dan Nystad, about the business and what they seek in an employee. They also hinted to the students that there are potential job openings.

The sixth and final stop was Eickhof Columbaria. The students received a tour of the showroom, got to see some products, and received a tour of the workshop. This place has very unique tools and custom areas. They ship products to every state in the United States and worldwide. If anyone can visit, it is highly recommended that they tour Eickhof to see their operations.

Mr. Oliver and his students noted they would like to thank Tom Leuthner from Pine to Prairie Co-op for supporting these field trips by covering the cost of the busing and Mr Oliver’s substitute teacher that day, as well as Principal Matt Torgerson for supporting the classes in taking these trips to businesses all over the region.