The Crookston School Board will meet in the Crookston High School choir and orchestra room on Monday, March 27, at 5:00 p.m.
The consent agenda includes the approval of meeting minutes from February 23 and 27, bills, and disbursements in the amount of $167,878.19. The personnel items in the consent agenda include the employment of Ben Parkin as a full-time physical education instructor at Highland School, with Autumn Hanson as a full-time art instructor at Crookston Middle School, a contract with Jill Carlson as an independent consultant psychologist, and the seniority list for the 2022-23 school year.
The main agenda includes the non-renewal of third-grade teacher Jaclyn Hubbard, Special Ed teacher Ashley Nirschl, Kindergarten teacher Adrianne Winger, and second-grade teacher Amanda Wolf. The agenda includes the approval of a phone system purchase, approving a resolution of general obligation building bonds, and the certified certificate of compliance presented by the American Indian Parent Action Committee.
The board will receive administrative reports from Crookston High School Principal Matt Torgerson, Highland School principal Chris Trostad, Washington School Principal Denice Oliver, and an update from Special Ed Director Kathy Stronstad. The board will also receive a report from Superintendent Dave Kuehn.
There is a time for the public to share comments, questions, and concerns at the beginning of the meeting. Each person can speak for up to five minutes.