The Crookston School Board will meet on Monday, October 23 at 5:00 p.m. in the Crookston High School Choir/Orchestra room.

The feature program will be Crookston High School Principal Matt Torgerson talking about the Barr Grant.

The Consent agenda includes the several personnel items, including the resignation of Jonathan Tweet as an aide at Highland School. The approval of employment of Ashley Bregier and Marisa Arriaga as paraprofessionals at Highland School, Marianne Isaacs as a full-time substitute teacher at Highland and Washington Schools, and Jeremy Harris as an evening custodian at the High School.
The board will be asked to add an assistant Boys Hockey and Girls Hockey coach, to accept a $2,200 donation from the Crookston Youth Soccer Association, and a $200 donation from Scott Buhler to the Boys Soccer program. They will also be asked to accept a $250 donation from Harbott, Knutson, Larson, and Holten PLLP for the Crookston High School Hall of Fame, and a donation of $9,380 from the Pirate Fine Arts Boosters (PFAB).

The main agenda has one item and that is the approval of an application to the Minnesota State High School League Foundation.