The Crookston School District multi-use complex construction continues, and progress is being made. In the last week, the turf installation has started, the scoreboard installation is almost complete, and other noticeable progress has been made. 

“Exciting times as most people that have driven by have seen rolls of turf in the parking lot, and those are slim to none left, so most of the turf has been laid, and most of it will be down this evening (Monday), and they will work on finishing the turf,” said Crookston High School Activities Director Nate Lubarski. “It looks gorgeous, and we will do a pre-walkthrough to ensure everything is in the right spot, as far as lines are concerned, softball batter boxes, and other kinds of things. But yeah, it looks gorgeous out here.”

The scoreboard and video board have been installed, and the speaker system and a sign with “Home of the Pirates” at the top will be installed on Tuesday. “They are making their way piece by piece from the bottom to the top, so they are almost up to the top,” said Lubarski. “It’s stunning. It is large, and it will be very fun for our athletes to perform, have the scoreboard on, and have our community come out to watch a game.”

The bathroom and concession stand building is coming along nicely. “They keep plugging away. The plumbers are in there, and they are Tyveking right now on the walls and getting ready to put siding on the outside. Electricians are in there working too,” said Lubarski. “There is a pretty big concrete pour that will go outside the concession stand, which is kind of a small plaza area. I think it will be nice for people to hang out once they get their concessions, so there is a little concrete left to be poured, but they are working on it, and they are working hard for sure.”

The pole vault, long and triple jump, high jump, discus, and shot put areas are all being worked on behind the stands/pressbox and to the north of the field and track. “It looks like they will be pouring the rings for the shot pretty soon, along with the slab for the visitor’s press box,” said Lubarski. “The visitor’s press box won’t go up this year, but we will get the slab poured so we can move some of the bleachers from the soccer field here.”

The big question everybody keeps asking is when will the project be complete. “We are on schedule. We get updates every Wednesday, and I have a feeling this Wednesday will be a pretty good meeting,” said Lubarski. “With all the turf being down and finding out how much time is left on the turf. All the bags of pellets have to go on the turf, and it looks like it is almost done, but it’s not there yet.”

Two of the big things left are completing the bathroom/concessions building and installing the top of the track. 

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