Lucas Perala


TRF cruises to a victory over Crookston Pirate Wrestling

The Crookston Pirate Wrestling team had five open weights and the Thief River Falls Prowlers cruised to a 66-6 victory at a dual in Thief River Falls. Weight Crookston-6 TRF-66 Winner Result 107 OPEN Raiden Nelson TRF Forfeit 114 Jose Contreras Lincoln Davis TRF Pin :37 121 Gabe Perala Thomas Eidsmoe TRF Pin 1:59 127


Crookston Wrestling competing at Walker-Hackensack-Akeley Tourney

The Crookston Pirate Wrestling team competes at the Tyler Moening Memorial Invite in Walker. The tournament starts at 3:00 p.m. TEAM RESULTS – 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Crookston will only have five wrestlers competing in the varsity competition today. Jose Arriaga at 145, Gavyn Hlucny at 152, Lucas Perala at


Crookston Wrestling falls to Roseau and BGMR

The Crookston Pirate Wrestling team was short-handed again and lost to the Badger/Greenbush Middle River Gators 52-16 and lost to the Roseau Rams 60-18 on Thursday. Crookston had six open weights and gave up 30 points in forfeits against BGMR and 36 points in forfeits in the Roseau match. All the results are below. Weight


Crookston Wrestling falls to Wadena-Deer Creek and Mahnomen/Waubun

The Crookston Pirate Wrestling team lost to the Wadena-Deer Creek Wolverines 62-9 and lost to Mahnomen/Waubun 58-18 at the Mahnomen/Waubun triangular in Waubun. Crookston had five open weights, giving up 30 points in the Mahnomen/Waubun dual and they had six open weights, giving up 36 points in the Wadena-Deer Creek match. Weight Crookston-18 Mahnomen/Waubun-58 Winner

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