Four members of the Crookston Speech team – Zara Baig, Sophia and Samatha Rezac, and Victoria Proulx – will compete in the State Speech Competition on Saturday. This is the largest contingency of Crookston students to qualify for the state competition in a single season in recent memory.

Baig will compete in Humorous Interpretation. “My speech is titled – The Waltz,” said Baig. “It’s about a girl and her inner monologue of how she really does not like dancing with a guy. And then, in outward actions and emotions, and how she’s so kind. It really shows how you can be thinking one thing and doing another.”  

The Rezacs will compete as a team in Duo Interpretation explained Sophia. “Mine and Sam’s Duo is called – Mother’s Day,” said Sophia. “We’re on a boat and trying to get through tossing our mother’s ashes into the ocean. Just letting go of those emotions between siblings and mothers. And how parents and siblings can react to each other.”

Proulx will compete in Storytelling.  “I have 15 stories total,” said Proulx. “For each round, I choose from three random stories the computer gives me and choose a different one for each round. One of my favorite ones is called – The Lamb with the Golden Fleece. It’s a Hungarian folktale. It’s about this boy that ends up getting this golden fleece and they start going on this journey back to his hometown. Whenever he would play the flute, it would start to dance around. As they go on the journey, there are a bunch of people that try to take the lamb and do bad deeds, but they get stuck to the lamb. They continue on the journey dancing with the lamb. In the end, he ends up marrying a princess and everyone lives happily ever after and gets unstuck to the lamb.”

The girls were also torn on whether state being virtual was a good thing. Samantha said she’d of liked the experience, but they all agreed when Sophia said there was one benefit. “It’s sad that we don’t get to go down to the cities and experience the whole state ordeal,” said Samantha. “But it’s still really fun that we made it.”

“You know, I’m okay with that,” said Sophia. “Because now I get to go to prom.”

For more with the speech team, listen to Focus on Education Saturday at 8:35 a.m.

LtR Sophia Rezac Victoria Proulx Samantha Rezac Zara Baig