Alluma and the H.O.P.E Coalition will have its third annual E-Race Stigma Community Walk/Run 5k Event on Saturday, September 16, from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., with the walk beginning at Crookston High School.

This event started in 2021, with each walk being scheduled in the middle of September in recognition of Suicide Awareness Month. “This event kicked off in 2021 as the Crookston Community was hurting, and we wanted to provide a space for connection,” said Coordinator and suicide prevention lead Shannon Abrahamson, “We also want to spread community healing and awareness about suicide prevention.”

This event aims to erase the stigma around mental health, hoping that everyone will begin to feel comfortable talking about mental health and reach out for help when needed. Another message that spreads during the event is, “When life feels too tough, no, you are not alone, and suicide is not the answer.”

The H.O.P.E Coalition is a group of individuals, businesses, and agencies committed to preventing death by suicide in Northwest Minnesota. H.O.P.E stands for Help, Outreach, Prevention, and Education, and Alluma is one of the businesses currently serving on the coalition. “We have several partners on the coalition, so we have several partners throughout the region,” said Abrahamson, “So we cover Roseau County and down to Norman County, and Alluma is one of the providers on the coalition to move this work forward.”

Other local partners for this event include Polk County Social Services, Polk County Public Health, and the Crookston School District.

There will be many family fun events during the walk, which should provide more entertainment. “The event will kick off with the walk and a few words of hope for those who have lost someone to suicide or are struggling themselves,” said Abrahamson, “We will have outdoor games, a watermelon station, and co-creations will be serving shaved ice and cotton candy.” The event will end with door prizes and closing statements from the executive officer of Alluma, Shauna Rietmeier.

Abrahamson also gave a message to the community about the importance of attending the walk. “I just wanted everyone to know that working toward the goal of preventing suicide takes an entire community,” said Abrahamson, “So you coming to this event that day will help bring the efforts forward.”

Although registration is not required, it is encouraged. For those planning to attend, you can register at mnhopecoalition.org. Registration is also available on the day of the event. This event will be free to participate in, and all ages are encouraged to attend.

If anyone is struggling with mental health or knows someone who needs to help, call the Northwest Aid Adult and Children Department support line at 800-282-5005, or you can call or text the national suicide prevention lifeline at 988, for additional resources or information on training visit mnhopecoalition.org.