Our Savior’s Lutheran School in Crookston celebrated National Lutheran Schools Week January 27-31

Our Savior’s Lutheran School celebrated National Lutheran Schools Week January 27 – 31, along with approximately 2,000 other Lutheran Church Missouri Synod schools nationwide.  During the week, the students and staff participated in mission projects, dress-up days, field trips, leadership activities, and team-building projects, as well as learned from guest speakers.

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Students join alumni Aislinn Boushee and Sophia Hoefler for a sing-along around the campfire on their Camp Day for National Lutheran Schools Week.

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Mrs. Bertils worked with the students on art projects using tree cookies. Pictured: Thor Pilger, Allis Munch, Josie Johnson, Mrs. Bertils, and Kane Henderson

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Classes toured the Polk County Historical Society Museum Pictured: Evelyn Griffin, Noah Brockpahler, June Larson, and Odin Pilger

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National Lutheran Schools Week culminated with an all-school battle ball tournament.

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