The Ox Cart Days festival is right around the corner, and the Oxcart Days board is actively seeking the help of community members to volunteer.

The Ox Cart Days committee has reported they need 50 volunteers during Ox Cart Days. “What we are in desperate need of right now is volunteers,” said the Chair of the Crookston Aquatic Boosters and fiscal agent of the Ox Cart Days committee, Dan Erdman. “We have the organizations and businesses running those events, but we need assistance with people to sit at the door and sell buttons.”

Volunteers’ buttons will be asked to sell to symbolize admission for those who attend the events. The cost is five dollars per button, and they are valid for the entire week of events; some events may include more purchases. The volunteer shifts range from two and a half to three hours long, and a free button is included. “The five-dollar button is required for admission to most places, especially downtown,” said Erdman. “Volunteers would be sitting at a table enjoying the beautiful view; we’re not asking for folks to sit there all day long, but just for a couple of hours and ask people to buy buttons if they don’t have buttons.”

There are various events early into the festival that the committee is asking for help for. “On Monday, we need button sales at the Eagles from 4:30 to 7:30, right now, we have one person signed up, and that’s to work the event of The Taste of Crookston,” said Erdman. “We need two people at the Crookston Inn for the Let’s Make a Deal event also on Monday.” Buttons will be required for those planning on attending the opening events on Monday.

For anyone interested in volunteering, you can apply at the following site https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c084ca4a828abfac70-oxcart?fbclid=IwAR28Q7a86WRJI0iM57bLff_KNQ9E91Wgvk4feHZD4aJoCBs03urN4vsY-E0#/https://www.crookstonoxcartdays.com.
The Oxcart Days committee is asking for volunteers to be signed up by the end of the week.

Volunteers are encouraged to stop by and meet with Dan Erdman at American Federal Bank in Crookston to ensure they receive their admission button for the events during the week. Make sure to collect your button before Ox Cart Days is underway.