The Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs COVID Veterans Relief Grant is open for applications. The Grant is intended to help Minnesota Veterans and their families who have been financially affected by the COVID -19 Crisis. Veterans who need assistance can contact the Polk County Veterans Service Officer at 218-280-5506 or kurt.ellefson@co.polk.mn.us.  Information on the Veterans COVID-19 Relief grant are below – 

Governor Tim Walz’s economic relief package included $6.2M for veterans with two main focuses:

1) $1,000 grant paid directly to veterans (completed directly, or through our office via an on-line application)
2) $3,000 paid to vendors for house payments/repairs, rent, property taxes, utility bills, medical bills, auto payment/repairs/insurance (must apply through our office)

Applicants must be a veteran (per state statute) or surviving spouse & can potentially be eligible for both aid packages.  Their qualification is based on demonstrating a “financial loss,” (i.e. reduction or severance of a household’s earned/unearned income).

Seven possible scenarios to be eligible for these grants (demonstrating the financial loss):
o   Applicant or dependent has a confirmed case of COVID-19
o   Healthcare provider determines the applicant or spouse’s health is jeopardized by staying in the workplace
o   Healthcare provider orders applicant or dependent to stay home (self-quarantine)
o   The applicant was under legal isolation or quarantine by reason of caring for a dependent with a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis
o   Applicant or spouse’s workplace directs them not to report to work for COVID-19 related reasons
o   Applicant or spouses workplace is closed and they are excused from working
o   The applicant is financially impacted by a school care provider closure due to COVID-19