To recognize exceptional dedication to the advancement of affordable housing at the State Capitol in 2018 Minnesota Housing Partnership’s (MHP) named Senator Mark Johnson (R-East Grand Forks) as an inaugural recipient of MHP’s Legislative Leader award.

“I want to thank the Minnesota Housing Partnership for honoring me with this award,” said Senator Mark Johnson. “Over the past biennium, we’ve made progress on expanding our housing system and increasing opportunity for all. In the future, I look forward to continuing to lead and support collaborative efforts that making housing affordable and allow our communities to flourish.” 

Lawmakers receiving the 2018 Legislative Leader award played a central role in building support for key MHP initiatives from the Homes for All MN bonding request to the MHP’s MN Tax Credit Contribution Fund. Their demonstrated support of affordable housing, and their deep resolve to make a difference for Minnesotans of all incomes, makes these lawmakers stand out at the Capitol.

Senator Johnson was specifically selected for his work as a co-author of legislation to create the MN Tax Credit Contribution Fund. Senator Johnson played a central role in advancing this needed tool for affordable housing development, providing crucial insight on strategy, and working diligently to build support around the proposal, lobbying colleagues through the final days of session.

The dedication of Senator Johnson led to historical successes at the Capitol this session, including $90 million in bonds for housing and the formation of a broad support coalition for the MN Tax Credit Contribution Fund, which set a favorable perspective for the ongoing legislative session.