SPORTS FEEVER – September 17, 2020

It sure is GREAT to see football and volleyball practices in Minnesota.  Hopefully, games are next!

COVID continues to cause havoc and frustration for many.   Detroit Lakes High School found out over the weekend that a teacher tested positive for COVID and they moved the high school to distance learning, possibly through September 25.  Since they chose to go distance learning, they can still play sports.

In other COVID news –

Kindred High School announced they are going to distance learning and have canceled volleyball and football games for two weeks.

Monday was the first day of practice for Minnesota High School football and volleyball programs and several schools around the area have had to delay the start of practice because of COVID-19.  Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton had covid cases in the high school and decided to move to full distance learning so they cannot practice.

East Grand Forks School District had three people quarantined and 15 more isolated in the first week of school.  They are still operating school and sports the same for now.  Good to see some common sense being used in East Grand Forks.

Because of COVID and the NHL season still going on, Crookston’s Paul Bittner is anxiously awaiting the end of the season.  Paul is a free agent and cannot talk with any NHL teams about signing an NHL or AHL contract until seven days after the season is complete.  So Paul has been waiting to see where he will be playing next year.  One would think Columbus would be happy to have him back, but one never knows about the business side of it.

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High School sports have been a big topic lately across the state and the push from people across the state to have football this fall has been big.

The president of the Minnesota State High School League Board of Directors has called a special board meeting for Monday, September 21 at 9:00 a.m.  The announcement didn’t include a reason for the meeting, but speculation is they will meet to discuss a fall football and volleyball season.

The official press release from the Minnesota State High School League is below –

Blaine Novak, president of the Minnesota State High School League’s Board of Directors, has called for a special meeting of the League’s board for Monday, Sept. 21, 2020 at 9 a.m.
The one item agenda is listed as: Reconsider Placement of Fall Activities Seasons.
The meeting will be held in a virtual format.
“The Minnesota State High School League continues its work of providing the safest possible way for students to participate in all League activities and athletics for the 2020-2021 school year,” League Executive Director Erich Martens said. “This special meeting called by Board President Blaine Novak will be a continuation of those very important discussions and decisions.”

The next Minnesota State High School League Board meeting is scheduled for October 1.

What we are hearing from those “in the know” – There is about a 50/50 chance of it happening.  It sounds like 6 are for it.  6 are against it.  Several don’t know yet. Monday will be a big day.  When I told my seventh grader they were going to have a meeting to possibly have football….he darn near crapped his pants he was so excited and yelled…”We get to play games!!!!!”
I wish the high school league board could have seen how excited he was to possibly have games.

All I am going to say – (With three claps in the background for each time) LET THEM PLAY!!!!!  LET THEM PLAY!!!!!!   LET THEM PLAY!!!!   LET THEM PLAY!!!!  LET THEM PLAY!!!!!

KROX received the following information from an area high school football coach as a large group of people are trying to get the Minnesota State High School League to overturn their decision to postpone football to start in Mid-March.  The information is below. 

A group of football parents has put together the following information regarding the postponement of the 2020 high school football season and how you can get involved.  Please forward this information to your parents, booster clubs, and players!

We are asking for your help! We would like for the MSHSL to overturn their decision to allow our kids to play football this fall. You may have seen in recent news, there are a number of states that are beginning to overturn the decision to play high school football in the fall. Colorado, Michigan, Kansas, Utah, Florida, Alabama and Ohio have already reversed their decisions and will begin their seasons in two weeks. Most of the states in the US have figured out how to safely and effectively play sports during this time.

The MSHSL decision to play spring football in the state of Minnesota is not a very good plan. There are currently 35 states in the US playing football in the fall and Minnesota is among only 15 states that are not playing football right now and we are THE ONLY state that is trying to play spring football when there could be temps below freezing and snow on the ground.  Most of the football fields in the state of Minnesota are still natural grass.  Have they considered the damage that will be done to the playing fields at these schools? How will they accommodate sporting activities in the spring when the fields are damaged and will need time to regrow?  How will they pay for the damage done to these fields, especially since they have now removed the largest revenue generating sport from the budget?

Did the MSHSL take into account the psychological and financial effects this will have on the players and their families?  So much is being lost here. We cannot stress enough how this is mentally and emotionally affecting our kids. They have left a lot of kids on their own with no structure and support of football to help assist them through these difficult times, and they now feel more isolated than ever. Without football and the structure of school, these kids continue to hang out looking for things to do with all of their free time, so we need to provide them with an opportunity to do something constructive like play football with a plan and in a controlled environment. In many cases sports are the only positive outlet that some of these kids have and they have removed this from their lives.  Many of the seniors have been waiting their entire lives for their final high school season. Many families will be impacted financially, because players will not have as many opportunities for athletic scholarships especially since most other states are playing this fall so our players are being over-looked. This will impact some of these player’s ability to go to college if they do not get a scholarship.

Why do they have a plan for students to play soccer, but not football? Why does the MSHSL have a plan to allow football players to lift and practice, but does not have a plan in place to allow them to play games? Basketball, volleyball, baseball, softball, and hockey clubs all have figured out how to play games safely all summer long and some of them in a closed setting or in a gym and have allowed fans to attend these games with safety plans in place. Football is an outdoor sport, where the players have equipment that covers most of their entire body, so why can they not figure out a safe plan to return to playing this fall?

We would like the MSHSL to reconsider their decision. We are asking you to join us in an effort to reinstate football for our high school football players. Both parents and players are encouraged to participate! They have requested you click on this link to and to fill in all your personal info, select school affiliation, sport and then submit your request. You will get an auto-replay with this submission, so it is very important that you also email an individual on the Board of Directors and copy all of them listed below for a personal response:

Board of Directors
Russ Reetz
Dustin Bosshart
Mike Domin
Kirby Ekstrom
Dawn Engebretson
Walt Hautala
Matt Heier
Tom Jerome
Amanda Kaus
Ceil McDonal
Blaine Novak
John Ostrowski
Gary Revenig
Jim Smokrovich
Troy Stein
Bill Tauer
John Vraa
Todd Waterbury
Frank White
You can also contact your local representative or senator by clicking HERE

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Last week we had comments from Crookston School Board Chair and former MSHSL Region 8A committee member and the northwest Minnesota dean of high school sports, Frank Fee and his comments on the MSHSL’s COVID payment required from the schools.  Since last week, we have received hundreds of emails, text messages, and phone calls.  It has been one of the busiest weeks I can recall.

I have had many people ask what my thoughts are.   I touched on it last week when I said (and added a little to it this week)-

They have had a deficit since a major sponsor stepped down a couple of years ago.  There was never a noticeable effort to try to get a replacement.  I have a HARD time believing a Target, Best Buy, 3M, General Mills, Busch Beer (I kid on the last one), etc wouldn’t want to be a Corporate Sponsor with the MSHSL (an organization that represents pretty much every school and town in the state).  Maybe they tried and I am wrong (wouldn’t be the first time).

The other problem they have – the executive director comes from the education sector.
I am wrapping up my first term of serving on the Minnesota Broadcasters Association and will be board chair in November.  When I first got on the board our financials were bad.  We lost a major source of income and our Executive Director at the time ran us into the ground.  We went separate ways with that director and hired an interim-director that specialized in fixing organizations to get us on the right track.  He had worked for major companies and that is what he does.  After his short time with us, we did a national and local search and hired a ROCK STAR Executive Director and our financials have drastically improved, and the MBA is stronger than it has been in many years and we continue to find new revenue streams outside of membership dues.  The MSHSL should think about doing the same thing.  Hiring somebody from outside the education sector/or somebody from within the education sector that has turned districts around.

I am sure they are trying to do something, but finding NEW revenue sources has to be a TOP priority.  They also HAVE TO make cuts.  They have to make big cuts, especially to salaries, especially to the top six.   It is inexcusable to pay yourself full salaries when you are darn near bankrupt!

With the increase in payments and the COVID payment (that sounds like it will be more than one), do schools drop sports to save money?

Here is what we know with information provided by Jamie Lunsetter (Superintendent/Activities Director at Grygla)

The 5 million dollar shortfall at the MSHSL is being passed onto the member schools that are already experiencing an increased financial burden to meet supply needs due to the pandemic.
Football and volleyball have already been postponed and a spring football season seems unlikely at this point.  The league is now asking us to pay more for less.

In NW Minnesota, of 18 schools that replied to a survey, the average increase in fees to the MSHSL is 230%.  In dollars, that ranges from $1700 to nearly $10,000 per school.

In a September 10, 2019 interview with the Star Tribune, Executive Director Erich Martens said, “The $407,000 projected deficit also owes to more conservative revenue projections. The 2016-17 and 2017-18 school years were “the highest amount of attendance that we’ve had,” Martens said. “Our projections were built with those years in mind. So, when our attendances drops, that impacts revenue and makes us have to re-evaluate what’s the expected attendance and how do we use that to do effective budgeting.”

Anyone who prepares a budget knows that you never do so considering the best years, instead, you build it with the worst-case scenario in mind.  The schools and taxpayers of Minnesota are now paying the price for this poor leadership.

The MSHSL has long touted the fact that they are a non-taxpayer funded organization.  The decision to significantly increase fees to schools now makes the organization nearly 100% taxpayer funded.

Salaries and benefits of the top 6 employees at the MSHSL come to 1.2 million dollars.  That’s roughly 13% of the entire budget.  If schools operated this way, we would all be bankrupt.  (This information was found by looking at MSHSL tax returns for the years from 2013-2018)

These are the facts.  The MSHSL has been poorly managed and made poor decisions in regards to their budgets. They have long catered to the needs of the metro and forgotten that “outstate” Minnesota also has diverse needs and challenges and now they want to pass their budget shortfall onto the very schools they’ve ignored.  We are calling for immediate changes within the structure of the MSHSL and increased accountability and transparency to ALL member schools.

Thank you to Jamie for the information he shared.  Some interesting information to say the least.  I reached out to several area Activity Directors and asked for their thoughts –

Ada-Borup High School Activities Director Kenley Wahlin (and all-time leading scorer in Crookston High School Boys Basketball history)

Thank you for reaching out. Honestly, I felt it wasn’t communicated very well by MSHSL. In education, you do your best to communicate with your students-athletes, parents, coaches, and community to keep everyone on the same page, but we are not talking about a 10% increase some schools are paying close to a 400% increase.  I understand they generate most of their profits from State Tournaments, but to shift the shortfall on member schools is not right. The uncertainty is if this will be the new structure of payment or if it will be a blended model. Hope all is well!

Next up, we hear from Jamie Lunsetter – Superintendent/Activities Director at Grygla –

Next up is Jamie Lunsetter – Superintendent and AD at Grygla (otherwise known as the home of Travis Smith!) –

Gladly and thank you Chris!

Passing on the league’s 5 million dollar budget shortfall to member schools is a significant shift from its previous revenue structure, and in my opinion irresponsible.  While the top 6 employees earn 1.2 million dollars in salary and benefits (13% of the overall budget) they continue to avoid accountability and distract from what the real problem is.  The lack of fiscal responsibility and poor planning has put the MSHSL in this position.  In addition, poor decision making, including district football has cost them and the member schools time and money.  They often say this is the members league, but fail to truly take into account few impacts their decisions have on outstate schools.  Especially at a time when schools are already feeling the financial strains from the COVID pandemic, it is completely unacceptable that the MSHSL has taken this route to make up for their shortcomings.

Thanks for shining a light on this Chris, it really is an important topic and needs to continue to be.  If you need anything else, please let me know.

Take care,

The next AD is Ryan Hanlon (Fosston Activities Director) –

Earlier this spring we had been told that fees would be going up this year per activity and that there would be a membership increase but I think most were all shocked and upset when we saw there was a COVID fee and the amount that it was was almost unbelievable.  It doesn’t matter the size of your school–an increase this great after our budgets have been set for the year will be tough for anyone to work through, especially when we already have budget constraints at a local level.  I personally think the most frustrating thing about this increase is that the MSHSL is simply putting its budget shortfall on its members.  We can all do our part to help in uncharted times like this, but we also entrust the board and the staff to figure out how to run the league and be fiscally responsible with the member schools’ money and I don’t believe this is the way to fix the issue, especially long term.  Like I said, I understand that there was going to be an increase with the pandemic, but this is just poor planning and even worse communication.  It will be interesting to see what happens with this fee in the future and to be honest, what happens with the league after a year like this.

Ryan Hanlon

Stephen-Argyle Activities Director/Principal Kevin Kuznia had this to say –

The disappointing thing for schools across the state is not only the fact the budgeting before COVID hit was poorly done, but also the complete lack of communication as to how great of an increased burden they put on the 500+ member schools.  They know they can charge whatever they please and no repercussions back to them aside from a few emails, posts, or tweets.

The area Board of Director out of Roseau stated the athletic directors were made aware of it.  Not the case. During the MSHSL weekly summer meetings, the League staff/Executive Director stated “you will see an increase.”  If 200-nearly 400% is “an increase,” I would love to have that as an increase in the the S-A budget.

A talking point of 17% reduction in staffing has been stated over and over again by MSHSL staff members and our area Board of Director.  No response has been given as to what percent of real dollar savings that is even though the information has been requested.  As other area Athletic Directors have asked, who is in charge of overseeing the salaries and benefits to the League staff members?  The Board of Director stated he has not approved or seen an individual contract in nearly 3 years of serving.  That is, and should be to all MSHSL stakeholders, incredibly concerning. The time is now for member schools to say enough is enough in terms of fiscal irresponsibility.  MSHSL staff and Board Member state how it is “our” League as school districts, but fees (taxation) without real representation seems to be an issue most are feeling in Region 8A.

I would like to thank all the area activity directors that responded.  This is an extremely difficult time for the MSHSL, school districts, the staff of all entities involved, the kids, parents, and everybody else.

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In the column last week, I wrote – Wrestling still looks highly unlikely to happen this winter.  Everybody we talked to in the wrestling world gives an 85 to 99 percent chance of not having a season this winter.  Barring a vaccine…..I hate to say they are probably right!
I received an email from veteran Thief River Falls Prowler wrestling coach Kenny Geiser.  A coach I have a lot of respect for because of his hard work, dedication to his sport, and the kids.  Here is what he had to say –

I have read your column for years, and truly respect what you and your father have done for sports in NW MN. I have coached wrestling for 18 years in TRF. I am the longest-tenured coach in Section 8AA. I have close ties to the MSHSL (My former wrestling coach is the President) and have been a section rep for years. Let me get to the point: We are not hearing this doom in gloom for wrestling that you are writing about. I am not sure who you are talking to, but as a coach in the know, I would say there is a 50% chance wrestling will happen this year. Basketball is the sport I am hearing will be the toughest sell. The CDC talks about 15 minutes of exposure. Wrestling matches are 6 minutes. In basketball, a player may guard the same person for 30-40 minutes and be in close contact. I wish you would’ve reached out to me. This negativity only makes it easier for people to cancel stuff. 

I asked Kenny to give me a few more comments and this is what he had to say –

I truly hope common sense, reason, facts, and science can help guide the MSHSL’s and MDH’s decision in respect to winter sports. All summer long I know athletes who played basketball, wrestled, went to hockey tournaments, etc. Many of these occurred in the twin cities metro area. Most occurred in North and South Dakota. Safety precautions were taken, no athletes got sick that I am aware of. My main point is this: These young kids are safe and should play winter sports. We live in a society that believes in some freedoms, those who do not feel safe would obviously have the option to not participate. I feel the media has helped spread, fear and misinformation. Mostly, the unknowns and what-ifs seem to be scaring a lot of people. We know a lot more now than we did in March. Some facts: MN deaths 1,921- 0 ages 5-19. Hospitalizations and ICU’s are both down from the peak. I am confident that with the right support, safety measures, and common sense we will have a season. If the fear takes over, and media perpetuates that fear, we may not. These kids are safe and should have seasons. I fear our leadership and media have let our youth down, in a big way. Most of us have been going about our daily life recently quite normally. Not our kids. And the long term repercussions on that scare me way more than Covid.
Kids are going to find a way to play. Whether it is hockey, basketball, or football. USA wrestling will provide opportunities as will private entities. Not having an MSHSL season will put our kids behind as logistically it’s quite a bit tougher for us than metro kids.

I hope we have wrestling this winter, I hope there is basketball, and I hope they have hockey.  But it is maybe 50/50 of it happening right now.  If they have football and volleyball, that will be a good sign for winter sports.   The winter sports decision is expected to come October 1.  Stay tuned!

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The Big Ten Conference announced the restart of its 2020-21 football season, with play scheduled to begin October 23-24.  The schedule will be an eight-game schedule and it will be completed in time to be eligible for post-season play.

On August 11, the Big Ten Conference postponed the start of the season in response to the many unknowns related to the COVID-19 pandemic and potential risks to student-athlete health and safety. Since then the Conference has relied on the medical advice and counsel of the Big Ten Return to Competition Task Force, a working group that was established by the Big Ten Council of Presidents and Chancellors and league Commissioner Kevin Warren to ensure a collaborative and transparent process

In its decision today to return to competition, the Conference cited multiple factors, including daily antigen testing, focused research on sports medicine and safety by all Big Ten schools and a strict heart protocol process for any student-athlete who has tested positive for COVID-19 before they can return to play.

“I support restarting the Big Ten football season,” said University of Minnesota President Joan Gabel. “The health and safety of our student-athletes and the community that surrounds them was and has always been our top priority. We have continued to listen to medical professionals and follow their expert advice during the past month. With the additional research, enhanced safety protocols, and a commitment to work closely together as a conference on research and safety for student-athletes, we are now ready to play football.”

Every Big Ten football program will have daily access to antigen testing and all 14 Big Ten universities will share information throughout the season to enhance and accelerate research and will collaborate to mitigate COVID-19 transmission risks.
“The University of Minnesota sports medicine team has worked with the other medical professionals in the Big Ten to develop protocols that now allow the safe return of football,” said Dr. Bradley Nelson, who is the medical director for Gopher Athletics.

Minnesota’s Director of Athletics Mark Coyle has worked daily with fellow league athletic directors and head coaches as the Conference continued conversations about a return to play.

“I want to thank President Joan Gabel for her continued leadership and our football student-athletes for their patience and understanding,” said Coyle. “The plan to restart football has been methodical and prudent and has always placed the safety and wellness of the student-athlete first. I am excited for our football student-athletes and for our fans who will once again be able to watch the Gophers compete.”

Minnesota, which was ranked 19th in the preseason AP poll this year, finished last season 11-2 and ranked 10th in the nation after beating Auburn in the Outback Bowl.

“We have a mature football team, and our culture is about responding,” said Minnesota head coach P.J. Fleck. “We will be ready to play, and I know our players are excited to be able to compete again.”

As was previously announced by Gopher Athletics, the department will not offer football-season tickets this year and in-person attendance at games will be significantly reduced in accordance with the state’s public health guidelines.

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Speaking of wrestling….University of Minnesota Golden Gopher wrestler Gable Stevenson made some waves of excitement for Gopher Football fans.  He was followed by Gopher Football on Twitter and he screenshot the tweet and posted – “I’m guessing it’s that time for me!  What y’all think?

That would be something to see if Stevenson tries football….is he thinking about it in case there isn’t wrestling this year?  Was he just trying to cause some commotion?   Or is he throwing it out there because he is actually going to do it?
Stay tuned!

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Congratulations to University of Minnesota alum, International Falls native, former Roseau Ram hockey coach, and Nebraska Omaha hockey coach Dean Blais on being named to the U.S. Hockey Hall of Fame!  I think he coached somewhere else, but I can’t remember where……might have been a team that changed a nickname???

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Congratulations to Mayville State Volleyball players Victoria Johnson (Roseau) and Elora Passa (Barnesville) on being named North Star Athletic Association attacker and setter of the week.

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Perham High School’s Noah Rooney has announced he will play baseball for the University of Minnesota next year.

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Morris and his wife Esther went to the state fair every year, and every year Morris would say, “Esther, I’d like to ride in that helicopter”.
Esther always replied, “I know Morris, but that helicopter ride is 50 dollars and 50 dollars is 50 dollars”.
One year Esther and Morris went to the fair, and Morris said, “Esther, I’m 85years old. If I don’t ride that helicopter, I might never get another chance.”
Esther replied, “Morris that helicopter is 50 dollars and 50 dollars is 50 dollars”.
The pilot overheard the couple and said, “Folks I’ll make you a deal.I’ll take the both of you for a ride. If you can stay quiet for the entire ride and not say a word I won’t charge you! But if you say one word, it’s 50 dollars.”
Morris and Esther agreed and up they went. The pilot did all kinds of fancy maneuvers, but not a word was heard. He did his daredevil tricks over and over again, but still not a word. When they landed, the pilot
turned to Morris and said, “By golly, I did everything I could to get you to yell out, but you didn’t. I’m impressed!”
Morris replied, “Well, to tell you the truth, I almost said something when Esther fell out, but you know — 50 dollars is 50 dollars”.

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A guy came into a bar one day and said to the bartender, “Give me six double vodka.”
The bartender says, “Wow! you must have had one really bad day.”
“Yes, I’ve just found out my older brother is gay.”
The next day the same guy came into the bar and asked for the same drinks. When the bartender asked what the problem was today the answer came back, “I’ve just found out that my younger brother is gay too!”
On the third day, the guy came into the bar and ordered another six double vodkas. The bartender said, “Wow! Doesn’t anybody in your family like women?”
“Yeah, my wife…”

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How are former Crookston Pirates athletes doing in college or elsewhere?

Brady Butt is a freshman playing football at the University of Jamestown.

Paul Bittner is playing for the Cleveland Monsters, the AHL affiliate of the Columbus Bluejacket.

Brady Heppner, is playing hockey for the Roanoke Raildogs in the SPHL.

Aleece Durbin, is a Junior on the University of North Dakota Women’s Track and Field team.

Brita Fagerlund, is a Senior on the University of Jamestown Jimmy Women’s Track team.

Ben Trostad, is a Junior member of the University of Minnesota Crookston golf team.

Elise Tangquist, is a Senior golfer for the University of Northwestern in St. Paul.

Mason LaPlante, a sophomore, is playing soccer at the University of Jamestown.

Rachel Hefta, a sophmore, is playing volleyball at Hastings College in Nebraska.

Cade Salentine is a redshirt Freshman playing football at the University of North Dakota

Nick Garmen, is a sophomore playing basketball and tennis at the University of Minnesota Morris.

Caden Osborn, is a freshman playing basketball at the University of Minnesota Morris.

Thea Oman, a sophomore, is swimming at St. Ben’s.

Crookston School District Coaches –
Jeremy Lubinski
 is a Pirate 8th Grade Football coach.
Amy Boll 
is the head Pirate Girls Track head coach and assistant volleyball coach
Sarah Reese 
is the Pirate Head Girls Soccer coach
Cody Brekken
 is the Head Pirate Girls and Boys Tennis coach and Crookston Community Pool Supervisor
Marley Melbye is the Head Girls Swimming coach
Mitch Bakken is the head Pirate Baseball coach.
Brock Hanson
 is the Pirate Baseball volunteer assistant coach.
Jeff Perreault 
is the Pirate Girls Golf head coach
Wes Hanson is the Pirate Wrestling Head Coach and assistant boys golf coach
Kevin Weber is a Pirate Boys Basketball volunteer assistant coach
Connor Morgan is the Pirate Boys Hockey assistant coach
Sam Melbye is the Pirate Boys J.V. Hockey coach
Chris Dufault is a youth wrestling Coach
Blake Fee is an assistant wrestling coach
Colton Weiland is an assistant wrestling coach

Non-Crookston High School coaching –

Cody Weiland is an assistant wrestling coach at Proctor/Hermantown

Kaylee Desrosier is a softball coach for Fargo Davies Middle School.

Justin Johnson is an assistant softball coach at the University of Minnesota Crookston.

Josh Edlund  is an assistant football coach and phy ed teacher at Flandreau, South Dakota.

Allison Lindsey Axness is Assistant Varsity Volleyball Coach in Champlin Park

Jeff Olson is Head Wrestling coach and Head Baseball coach at Delano.

Jake Olson is an Assistant Football Coach and Head Boys Tennis coach at Delano.

Carmen (Kreibich) Johnson, is Head Volleyball coach at Little Falls High School.

Katy Westrom, is Head Girls Tennis Coach and Head Boys Tennis coach at Monticello High School.

Matt Harris, is a Director of Athletics at the British International School of Houston.

Marty Bratrud is the Superintendent and High School Principal at Westhope High School.

Gordie Haug is an assistant football coach at the University of Wyoming

Mike Hastings is the Minnesota State Mankato Men’s head Hockey coach

Mike Biermaier is the Athletic Director at Thief River Falls High School

Stephanie (Lindsay) Perreault works with the North Dakota State stats crew for Bison football and volleyball and basketball in the winter. Stephanie’s husband, Ryan, is the assistant director for the Bison media relations

Jason Bushie is the hockey athletic trainer at Colorado College

Chris Myrold is a Tennis Pro on Nevis Island in the West Indies

Kyle Buchmeier
 is a Tennis Pro at the Reed-Sweatt Family Tennis Center in Minneapolis

Jarrett Butenhoff is serving our country with the U.S. Navy

Joshua Butenhoff is serving our country on a Submarine with the Pacific Fleet with the US Navy.

Peter Cournia is a 2002 Crookston High School Graduate and also a grad of West Point and is currently is serving in the U.S. Army.

Erik Ellingson is serving our country with the U.S. Air Force at Minot.

Philip Kujawa class of 2004 from Crookston High School.  He is an Army recruiter in Rochester.

Scott Riopelle is head of Crookston Parks and Recreation

Rob Sobolik is the General Manager of the Fargodome

That’s it for this week.  Thanks for the comments and if you have anything to add or share, please e-mail or call.  Thanks for reading and listening to KROX RADIO and

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