Athlete of the Week – Thor Harbott

This week’s Athlete of the Week is Crookston Pirate Boy’s Track & Field competitor Thor Harbott.

The senior has been a big part of the Pirate Track & Field team for the past several years and has been a great leader this year.

Thor Harbott

In the Pirates most recent meet at UND for the East Grand Forks Invitational, Harbott took 6th place in the 3000 Meters with a time of 10:47.78, and also helped the 4X800 Relay team take 4th place with a time of 10:12.30. Outside of track & field, Thor is in all of the following activities with the Crookston High School –

  • National Honors Society
    Student Council
    LEO Club
    Valley Fiddlers
    Pop Strings
    Knowledge Bowl

Harbott plans to attend the University of Minnesota after graduating this spring, and will enter the Business School.


First started competing in track & field – 7th grade

What events have you competed in this year – 4X800 Relay, 1600 Meters, 3200 Meters, 800 Meters, 4X200 Relay

What event is your favorite1600 or 800 Meters just because they are shorter.

Favorite meet to compete in – Indoor it’s probably at Concordia, and Outdoor I like East Grand Forks.

Do you have a pre-meet ritual Not really, just make sure I stretch and get ready.

Favorite sports team – Minnesota Loons

Favorite sportSoccer

Favorite athleteJustin Jefferson

Favorite TV ShowThe Office

Favorite food Barbacoa Tacos

Something people don’t know about you – My middle name is spelled with a J even though it sounds like it should be a Y. (Jurgen)

What music are you listening to Everything

You’re stranded on a deserted island and you can have ANY three people with you – Tatum Lubinski, Jack Anderson, Nathan Kelly.

Plans after graduation – Go to the Business School at the University of Minnesota.

Family – 
Dad – Corey (District Court Judge)
– Stephanie (Attorney)
Sisters – Audrey (Attends University of Minnesota)
Maddie (Sophomore at CHS)

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