The new principal of Crookston High School Nicki Martinez will be looking to find different ways to connect with the community. One way this will happen is through newsletters that she will be sending out once a month. Below is the Crookston High School’s September Newsletter.

Happy New Year!

The Crookston High School staff is busy gearing up for the arrival of students and is excited to see our students for face-to-face learning. We hope your summer has been one of rejuvenation and relaxation and you are ready to get to work!

Welcome New Pirates!

Sutton Junkermeier

Mr. Junkermeier is a recent graduate from Concordia and will be teaching social studies to grades 8 and 9. His enthusiasm is a welcomed addition to the Pirate Ship!

Tara Klein

Our Student Success Center has a new face. Ms. Klein comes to us with immense experience as a school counselor. We are fortunate she is joining us. Stop by and welcome her!

Austin O’Hare

Mr. O’Hare joins us after teaching science in Grand Meadow, MN. He will be teaching science in grades 7-9. We are excited to have him on staff!

Friday, September 10 at 3:30 PM

This is the last day for students to discuss changes to their schedules. Changes are not always an option. Please make an appointment with Ms. Klein, our new counselor, to have this conversation.


We will continue building literacy as our main focus this year and put effort into practicing reading and writing. Both skills are incredibly important during and after receiving an education. Just like any other skill that we want to get better at, we need to practice. Since Crookston Public School’s School Board created an academic goal of increasing the state test’s reading scores, we will set aside and implement weekly reading and writing for all students in all subject areas. Students can read a book or magazine electronically or in paper copy. Devoting time to comprehension and vocabulary acquisition will aide students in being better readers. Additionally, we will spend time writing weekly. Writing can be a daunting experience and the goal at CHS is to make writing a comfortable task so that students see it as second nature by the time they graduate from high school.

Eligibility for Activities/Athletic Competitions

New this year…CHS activities director and administration will be printing grade reports weekly for students to stay eligible to participate in activities and athletics. Because we are a learning institution, we have always checked grades for students to be eligible. In years previous we have done this every four weeks and found students were unable to participate because they couldn’t bring their grades to passing in time. Weekly grade checks will help students stay up-to-date with their assignments and will assist teachers with earlier interventions to ensure learning.

If a student isn’t passing on Mondays starting September 20th, the AD will inform them and their coaches. The student will not play from Monday at 8:00 AM to Sunday night. If the student is passing on the next Monday, participation in competitions will resume.

Masks and Vaccines

CHS is not requiring face masks at this time; however, if the numbers in Polk County dictate mask requirement, we will have no choice. Please remember to social distance, wash your hands, and get vaccinated as the best ways to be a part of the greater good. Let’s stop this pandemic!