Crookston Wrestling falls to Wadena-Deer Creek and Mahnomen/Waubun

The Crookston Pirate Wrestling team lost to the Wadena-Deer Creek Wolverines 62-9 and lost to Mahnomen/Waubun 58-18 at the Mahnomen/Waubun triangular in Waubun.

Crookston had five open weights, giving up 30 points in the Mahnomen/Waubun dual and they had six open weights, giving up 36 points in the Wadena-Deer Creek match.

107OPENAvery BushMWForfeit
114Jose ContrerasOwen HobanMWPin 2:31
121OPENBranon MillerMWForfeit
127OPENCleighton HobanMWForfeit
133OPENGabe DemerMWForfeit
139Chris GoodrichHenry GearyMWPin :44
145Jose ArriagaConnor LecyMW8-3
152Gavyn HlucnyCade WalzCrox6-1
160Lucas Perala Dylan McMullenMW12-1
172Jaxsen ReitmeierDon TurnerMWPin 1:07
189OPENBlake McMullenMWForfeit
215Raymond SuarezTriston JacksonMWPin 1:45
HWTRiley HelgesonKade BartnessCroxPin 1:01

WeightCrookston-9Wadena-DC -62WinnerResult
107OPENBraxton MooreWDCForfeit
114Jose ContrerasReylan WegscheildWDCPin:08
121OPENLogan SeelhammerWDCForfeit
127OPENTashaun AndersonWDCForfeit
133OPENHudson SchultzWDCForfeit
139Chris GoodrichJames SeelhammerWDCPin 1:26
145Jose ArriagaMason BrauchWDCTech Fall
152Gavyn HlucnyOPENCroxForfeit
160Paul ThornhillGideon PinellaWDC8-6
172Lucas PeralaJayden KemmayWDCPin :49
189OPENEttore PinnellaWDCForfeit
215OPENMitchell SchmitzWDCForfeit
HWTRiley HelgesonMatthew WegscheildCrox1-0

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