On Saturday, October 16, a benefit will be held at Grygla Public School for Dylan Wichterman and Alex Gullingsrud. Dylan is the 13-year-old son of Jennifer and Ryan Wichterman and was diagnosed with Brain Cancer. He underwent surgery and is now recovering and receiving treatment at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. Alex is the 8-year-old son of Mike and Nicki Gullingsrud and was recently diagnosed with Osteosarcoma. He has currently been undergoing chemotherapy treatments at the Mayo Clinic.

The benefit is called “Roaring to Recovery,” and will coincide with the school’s Frostbite Volleyball Tournament. Grygla Public Schools Superintendent and Athletic Director Jamie Lunsetter talked about where the idea stemmed from. “We received some news that these families are going through some tough times with their children,” said Lunsetter. “I reached out to other area Superintendents to see if they would be interested in participating in a benefit, and all of them have been super receptive to the idea. So, we’re going to have this volleyball tournament on October 16 and have this benefit coincide with it at the same time.”

Lunsetter has a personal connection with both families. He graduated with Dylan’s mom Jennifer from Grygla High School in 1996 and knows both of Alex’s parents, Mike and Nicki, through coaching and officiating in the area. All funds raised from the benefit will go to both families as they still face many trips back and forth to Rochester for Dylan & Alex’s treatments.

Lunsetter talked about what the day will look like. “The tournament starts at 8:00 a.m., and that’s when our silent auction will also begin,” said Lunsetter. We have already received over 50 items for the silent auction and will also be conducting live auctions for some of the bigger items between volleyball games. There will also be a 50-50 drawing throughout the day as well.”

Some of the bigger items in the auctions include a couple of signed NDSU Footballs, a family season pass at the Sky-Vu Drive-in, and Hockey tickets to UND vs. UMD. On top of the auctions and volleyball games taking place, there will also be Bingo at 11:00 a.m., with five regular games and one blackout game. Prizes for the Bingo will be Pork Loins, Turkey, and Smoked Hams. A Smoked Beef Brisket Meal will also be available for $6.00 a person or $20.00 for four people. The silent auction will conclude at 2:00 p.m., and the tournament will wrap up around 4:00 p.m.

Lunsetter said it will be a busy day, and he believes the community must show up and support Dylan & Alex. “It’s going to be a busy day, and you certainly wish you would never have to put something like this on because of what it’s for,” said Lunsetter. “At the same time, you see the best in people through these events, and I always say, if we’re not here to help and support people, then why in the world are we here?”

There is no registration required to attend the benefit, and Lunsetter hopes to get as many people as possible to participate. There is also no masking requirement at the benefit or volleyball tournament. To learn more about the event, you can go to scroll down to the news and click on the Wichterman/Gullingsrud Benefit.

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