The RiverView Foundation Board of Directors invites everyone to make a commitment to the health of the community by giving to the Foundation on Giving Hearts Day, Thursday, Feb. 10.

Giving Hearts Day is an annual 24-hour give-a-thon for RiverView and other nonprofits through a partnership with the Dakota Medical Foundation (DMF), Impact Foundation, and Alex Stern Family Foundation. It is the biggest fundraising day for the Foundation, thanks to donors like you.

This year marks the 15th annual match program.  DMF and other generous donors will match, dollar for dollar, contributions to the RiverView Foundation of $10 or more up to $50,000. The match funding is only available on Thursday, Feb. 10 (12:00 a.m. – 11:59 p.m.).  Links will be provided that day on the RiverView homepage at and the KROX website at Donations may also be made online at Checks can also be brought in and entered manually.

This year our Board has committed undesignated funds to the following equipment needs in RiverView’s Emergency Room, with an estimated cost of $125,000:

  • An automated medication dispensing system that safely stores and quickly releases medication with proper physician orders. This system will provide necessary medications to treat patients in the Emergency Room 24 hours a day, regardless of the physical presence of a pharmacist. 
  • A portable ultrasound machine specific to the rapid assessment of heart and abdominal injury of trauma patients. Called a FAST (Fast Assessment Sonography for Trauma) exam, Emergency Room physicians perform this screening exam on admission without the delay of calling in an ultrasound technician.

Our promise as the Board of Trustees is to invest your dollars where they are needed most to enhance patient care.

If you do not want to wait until Feb. 10 to make your donation, you can now schedule your gift ahead of the big day by going to When you check out, the default for the date of the gift should be checked for Feb. 10. Donors can conveniently pre-give their online gifts through Tuesday, Feb. 8.

For more information about the Giving Hearts Day program, contact Foundation Director Randy Schoenborn at or call 218-281-9249.

Thank you for being a part of this important program and for your continued support of the RiverView Foundation.


The RiverView Foundation Board of Directors

Marcia Schoenborn – President

Jerry Lindsay – Vice President

Marilyn Wentzel – Secretary

Jodi Clauson

Kari Koenig

Taylor Sannes

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