Polk County has launched a website for residents to access up-to-date, reliable information on COVID-19 in the community.

The website, Polk County Coronavirus Response Hub, is available by clicking on a link on the County’s website home page, https://www.co.polk.mn.us/ by following the top link, directly at https://coronavirus-response-pcg.hub.arcgis.com/, and via the County’s GIS Hub at https://hub-pcg.hub.arcgis.com/. The Coronavirus Response Hub uses mapping software to organize and share data from verified sources on the impact of COVID-19 locally, with information on the number and status of COVID-19 cases, availability of food resources, locations of health facilities and schools providing food to students.

The website also provides clear information on COVID-19 symptoms, what residents should do if they develop symptoms or have been in close contact with an individual known to have COVID-19, or have recently traveled from an area of COVID-19 community spread. Statewide guidelines and resources are also provided, ensuring a one-stop location for COVID-19 information for Polk County residents. A number of web and mobile maps and apps are available:

Jody Beauchane, Polk County Emergency Manager said: “Our goal at the County is always to serve the residents of Polk County in the best way possible. During the coronavirus pandemic this means making sure trustworthy information is easy to find and up-to-date so that our citizens can make good decisions to protect themselves and their neighbors and loved ones. We hope that the Coronavirus Response Hub is valuable to our community by providing many resources in a single location that’s easy to use and always up-to-date. The public should continue to follow the advice shared on the site: wash your hands often, limit trips outside of the home and practice social distancing. It could just save a life.”

The Polk County Coronavirus Response Hub was developed by Polk County working with Minnesota-based geographic information systems (GIS) company Pro-West & Associates. The maps are based on Esri mapping technology and show data provided by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

For more information, contact Jody Beauchane, Polk County Emergency Manager Jody.Beaucchane@co.polk.mn.us  218-470-8263