The Crookston Public School Board called a special meeting to order on Wednesday in the District Office Conference Room at Crookston High School in regard to approving bids for the Multi-Use complex.

The Board accepted six bids in the total amount of $3,162,760. Below, you can see each company awarded bids and the amount agreed upon-

-Richards Excavating received the bid for the earthwork of the complex in the amount of $1,250,500.

-Knife River Materials received the bid for asphalt paving in the amount of $249,231.

-Dirt Dynamics received the bid for the concrete work in the amount of $440,000.

-Four-foot-high fencing around the track and field and other complex items was awarded to Century Fence in the amount of $184,379.

-Molstad Excavating received the bid for the complex site utilities in the amount of $339,450.

-RBB Electric Inc. received the bid for lighting and electrical work in the amount of $749,200.

The total project estimated cost is approximately $810,000 lower than the previous estimation. “The school board is pleased with the bids because many of the items came less than they did in May and June,” said Superintendent Randy Bergquist, “The earthwork, for example, we had six companies that bid this time as opposed to one last time. So the bids came in more favorable.”

The Board has decided to hold off on a few items regarding bidding. These items are landscaping, bathrooms, concessions, and the scoreboard. “We decided to hold off on a few items, one being the landscaping,” said Bergquist, “This came in at approximately $84,000. One of the things we’re going to try to do as a district is reach out to local companies and see if they’re interested in pursuing the project.” The Board is looking for local companies to take bids first before accepting other entities

The Board decided to take no action for the bathroom installation because decisions are yet to be made about the design of the bathrooms and how many should be placed. The Board is also discussing the structure of six-foot-high fencing that will run around the perimeter of the complex. The plan is to have complete fencing surrounding the track and field area and the complex, similar to the UMC facility.

The Board also leans toward installing a video scoreboard at the new facility. “There’s been talks about adding a video scoreboard to the facility,” said Bergquist, “We could display advertising on it for various companies and organizations here in and out of town too. The idea of doing a video board is because it could be a great visual for fans and community members to see things and a great tool for companies to advertise for their business.”

The idea of allowing advertisements during sporting events to be displayed on the scoreboard will ultimately pay for the scoreboard within the next 5-7 years. The Board is looking to agree with Daktronics to initiate the scoreboard installation and payment plan.

A finance committee meeting will be in the next week to finalize thoughts and prices regarding the scoreboard and items not yet acted on. That meeting date is yet to be determined.


Multiuse Complex Aerial 1