The Ruffed Grouse Society and American Woodcock Society have added a new chapter to the Red River Valley this year that will encompass Crookston, Climax, Shelly, East Grand Forks, Warren, Fertile, and other cities in the region. The chapter’s headquarters will be here in Crookston but will be named the Red River Valley Ruffed Grouse Society.

The Ruffled Grouse Society and American Woodcock Society is a society that unites conservationists across the northeast and central United States to improve habitat and forest health. The society has existed since 1961 to promote stewardship for forests and wildlife to create landscapes of diverse and functioning forest ecosystems that provide homes for wildlife and opportunities for people to experience them. Along with that, hunters and wildlife enthusiasts who have reached the “sportsman” stage of hunting are using their work and skills to help give back to their local communities.

Local members of the society stated they wished to request a new chapter of the organization in the region to support the local communities, broaden the society’s territory, and make it easier for members of the region to partake in the society, as the next closest chapter is in Bemidji. “What we plan on doing as a chapter is giving back to our communities, Crookston, East Grand Forks, Fisher, hopefully, we can donate to all of them,” Ruffed Grouse Society Chapter President Brian Hanson explained. “We will first be donating to the High School Trap Teams.” While there are several chapters in Minnesota already, this will be the farthest west in the state and will be another step for the society to help branch further west across the country. Hanson mentioned that several chapters had disbanded during the COVID-19 pandemic, but now with it on the decline, the chapter saw it as a great time to start a new one for the region. Hanson stated that the chapter is hoping to hold an official chapter banquet within the region soon and will give more information about it soon.

Despite being created recently, the local chapter is starting a fundraiser for the region’s school districts, where they are giving out 100 tickets for a gun raffle by the Upland Gun Company for $100 each. “We’ve got 100 tickets for $100 apiece. The first drawing will be for a $3,000 Upland Gun Company gift card. The Upland Gun Company is a company that’s like a sister company to the Rough Grosse Society, and they let you design your shotgun,” Brain Hanson explained. “The second prize is a $2,000 gift card. These guns are made in Italy, so it’s not something you’re going to take home that night, but at the same time, it’s worth it. It’s a gun of a lifetime. Then we have ten additional $100 winners that will get their money back, so there are twelve total winners, and like I said, all proceeds of this will go back to the community.” To get your ticket, you can contact Chapter President Brian Hanson and set up a meeting for him to give you your ticket for the raffle.

To celebrate its creation and announce the winner of the raffle drawing, the chapter will hold a Birds & Brew meet and greet event on Wednesday, February 8, at the Crookston Eagles Club from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. “It’s called the Birds & Brew Night. Basically, you sit down, talk, and meet new people who are interested in the same thing. You don’t have to be a hunter to do this. The magazine that comes out, there’s cooking articles, volunteering, and things like that, it’s kind of a broad spectrum,” Brian Hanson explained. “If you like hiking, that’s part of the money that nationally goes into it. I think it’s called a Drummer’s fund, and they will put their money into the trail systems in the state forests.” Hanson stated that the event is open to all RGS and AWS members and non-members to attend the event to learn more about the societies and share their experiences about all things upland hunting and wilderness.

President Brian Hanson recommends anyone can become a member of the society to learn more information about the society and local events the chapter is doing. The cost of becoming a member is $35 per year, and members will receive stickers and a subscription to their magazine. To learn more about or join the society, you can visit To learn more about the chapter, the fundraiser, and/or the Birds & Brew event, you can contact Chapter President Brian Hanson at 218-289-2069 or RGS & AWS Regional Engagement Coordinator Sam Tillman at 412-742-5144 or

A flyer of the Birds & Brew event can be seen below-

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