The Polk County Board of Commissioners met on Tuesday morning for their first meeting of 2022. The meeting began with the reappointment of Commissioner Warren Strandell to the MPO, which the board approved unanimously.


Polk County Sheriff’s Office Administrative Sergeant Jesse Haugen sought approval to purchase 10 APX Portable 800 Radios, Chargers, and Wireless Microphones. Haugen explained the department’s need for the items. “Our patrolmen use these radios every day,” said Haugen. “In 2023, the model we have is going to no longer be replaced or able to be fixed. So, at this time, we need to purchase these new radios to offset that issue once we hit 2023.”

The board approved the request, and the money allocated to purchase the items is $56,280. Haugen also provided an Enterprise Vehicle Fleet Update. “Overall, our fleet is in pretty good shape,” We have a lot of vehicles that we use daily that are under 50,000 miles. Then there are a few between 75,000-100,000 and a couple over 100,000, but those aren’t being used every day. There are also a few that are in the process of being stripped down and being sold, but overall are fleet is in good shape.”

Haugen’s update was informational only, and no action was needed from the board.


Polk County Engineer Richard Sanders brought a few items for approval before the board. The first was for the board to approve out-of-state travel in 2022. The board approved the request unanimously. The second request was to designate a Ditch Inspector and Ag Inspector for Polk County. “State Statute requires the County to appoint someone as those inspectors each year,” said Sanders. “This year, I was appointed so that I will be doing it, and it will just fall under the County Engineer’s duties.”

The next item from Sanders was to receive approval for advertising and filling a Project Engineer Position within the Polk County Public Works Department. The board approved the request. Sanders then brought a resolution to the board for a Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Project for the City of Fosston. “Fosston is applying for an SRTS grant,” said Sanders. “Because they are a city of less than 5,000, they need the county to sponsor the project to receive federal funding. The project will be some sidewalk work between the High School and Football field in town.”

The board approved the resolution for Polk County to sponsor the project.


Polk County Administrator Chuck Whiting had a couple of smaller requests for the board to approve. The first was to approve the 2022 Mileage, Meals, and Lodging Reimbursement Rates. The board approved the requests unanimously. The federal government sets these rates in Minnesota.

Another request the board approved from Whiting was an amended Lake Agassiz Regional Library Joint Powers Agreement. The differences in the amended agreement will align with what other counties are doing and provide some cost savings. Whiting then presented the board with the 2022 Work Plan and a few things the county will be working on. “We are currently monitoring what we need to do to comply with OSHA Covid workplace requirements,” said Whiting. “This is happening very fast, so we have some work to do there. We are still working on ARP Funding and ways we can use that. We’re working on some capital building projects, filling some positions, so there is no shortage of things to do. Holiday break is over, so work begins again.”


Other items included Karen Warmack of Social Services and a resolution to designate a newspaper as the Polk County Official Newspaper. Warmack sought approval for a Social Worker Replacement Request and two Eligibility Worker Replacement Requests. The board approved all three requests unanimously. Warmack was also seeking approval on a Personal Money Management contract to provide money management assistance to eligible individuals to help stabilize economic functioning by providing financial counseling and vendor payments in the amount of $15,000. The board also approved this request.

The board then heard the bids for the Official Newspaper Publication for Polk County in 2022. The Fertile Journey has been designated by the board as the official Newspaper Publication for their offer of $2.45 per column inch.

The meeting ended with the board congratulating and thanking Laurie Anderson for 45 years of service with Polk County. Anderson has been the Administrative Assistant for the Polk County Veterans Office for the past 11 years. She worked in the Auditor’s office for the previous 34 years. She says it’s been some of the best years of her life. “When I first started, everything was manual,” said Anderson. “It’s been really interesting to see all the changes over the years. I always had a heart for our country and veterans, and this has been the best 11 years imaginable. I have loved working with the veterans, and I am going to miss them very much.”

Anderson’s last day will be on Monday, January 10. The next board meeting will take place on Tuesday, January 18.